Current research projects and publications by the section
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hallet
Hallet's Language Learning Blog: LanguageLearningLog.de1
Talent development. Begabungen und Persönlichkeiten im Fremdsprachenunterricht entwickeln. In: Beutel, Silvia-Iris, Kaiser, Michaela, Kohnen, Marcus, Laudenberg, Beate & Rott, David (Hrsg.). Begabungen. Friedrich Jahresheft. Hannover: Friedrich, 2023. 52-53.
Kulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. In: König, Lotta, Schädlich, Birgit & Surkamp, Carola (eds.). unterricht_kultur_theorie: Kulturelles Lernen im Fremdsprachenunterricht gemeinsam anders denken. Berlin: Metzler. 41-56.
M.Ed. Daniel Schönbauer
Teaching Nigeria in the EFL Classroom (PhD Project; working title) (Advisors: Prof. Dr. Frauke Matz & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
New Zealand. Praxis Englisch 1 (2023). Braunschweig: Westermann. (mit Günther Sommerschuh)
Forschendes Lernen im Bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht - Zwischen Hochschuldidaktik und schulbezogener Geschichtsdidaktik. In: Birgit Peuker, Maike Busker, Hanne Rautenstrauch & Jens Winkel (Eds.), Forschendes Lernen in der fach- und fachrichtungsbzeogenen, universitären Lehrkräftebildung. Darmstadt: wbg Academic. (mit Florian Helfer)
Fokus: Exploring the Land of the Long White Cloud. Aotearoa New Zealand im Englischunterricht. In: Praxis Englisch 1(2023), 46-48.
Philipp Reul, OStR
A mobility programme in the Global South - Learning Potentials for German Preservice English Teachers (PhD project; working title) (Advisors: Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin & Prof. Dr. David Gerlach)
Lichterfeld, I., Reul P. & Schönbauer, D.: "Lehramt Englisch: Synergien zwischen Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft". In: R. Ißler, R. Kaenders & S. Stomporowski (Eds.), Fachkulturen in der Lehrerbildung weiterdenken, Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2022, 63-87.

Research projects by former students
B.A. and M.Ed. students are cordially invited to write their theses about a topic related to foreign language eduaction. Topics can be presented and discussed in the colloquium Current Issues in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language. Supervisors are indicated in brackets.
- Ackermann, J. (2019). On the Representation of Maori Culture in the Film Whale Rider (2002). (Dr. Hanne Birk & MEd Daniel Schönbauer)
- Albert, L. (2021). Theatre Pedagogy in the Foreign Language Classroom by the Example of Stef Smith's Remote. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Beutner, A. (2019). Teaching Methods and Activities in the EFL Classroom - A Comparison of Teacher Preferences and Teacher Training. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich)
- Böhm, C. (2017). The Potential of Historical Fiction in the Classroom: Analysis of Roddy Doyle's Novel A Star Called Henry. (Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich & Bianca Göbler)
- Deist, A. (2021). Nation, Culture and Conflict. An Analysis of Jez Butterworth's The Ferryman. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Denner, L. (2020). Giving a Voice to Minorities and the Environment - Teaching Helon Habila's Oil on Water to Raise an Awareness of Environmental Degradation and a Diverse Society. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Dreyer, L. (2018). An Ecodidactic Reading of Brave New World. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Eberhard, L. (2018). Construction(s) of Caribbean Identity in Selected Anglophone Caribbean Short Stories. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Griese, J. (2021). EFL Meets ELT: English teachers' attitudes towards ELF with reference to creativity and correctness in German schools. (Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich & MEd Daniel Schönbauer)
- Heppelmann, S. (2018). Representations of the Trickster Figure in Thomas King's Green Grass Running Water. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Heuschkel, A. (2019). Investigating the Natural Sequence Hypothesis. A Study of the Acquisition of the Third Person -s Morpheme by German EFL Learners. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich)
- Hollmann, L. I. (2022). Giving Voice to the (Post)Human Clone: Teaching Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Holtmann, N. (2019). The Construction of Otherness in R.J. Palacio's Wonder. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Hopp, J. (2021). "Stop treating me like a baby!" - Coming of Age in R. J. Palacio's Young Adult Novel Wonder. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Jäschke, J. (2017). Heterogeneity in the Classroom: An Analysis of Challenges in TEFL in an 'Internationale Förderklasse'. (Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich & Bianca Göbler)
- Jahnel, N. (2019). National Socialism in Germany (1933-1945) and Harry Potter - an Analysis of the Ideological Similarities. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Jonen, M. (2019). Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's short story collection The Thing Around Your Neck in the EFL classroom. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Kemmling, F. (2021). Corpora and teaching English - developing criteria to evaluate corpus-use in the classroom. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich)
- Kostka, S. (2022). On the Representation of Anti-Black Racism and Black Identity in Angi Thomas' Novel The Hate U Give. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Maginot, L. (2018). Racism in selected works of British and American literature. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Maurer, L. K. M. (2021). #BlackLivesMatter - Reading and Teaching Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give in the EFL-Classroom. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Oedekoven, J. (2014). Identity in Dystopian Young Adult Literature. (Prof. Dr. Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp & Bianca Göbler)
- Patzsch, L. (2020). Diasporic Hybridity in Olumide Popoola’s When We Speak of Nothing. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Rosen, L. (2015). How to Deal with John Green's The Fault in Our Stars in the EFL Classroom. (Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich & Bianca Göbler)
- Roth, A. (2020). Bilingual Geography Education: Blessing or Curse? An Analysis of Selected Teacher Beliefs. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich)
- Schmitz, H. L. (2021). Reading and Teaching Nic Stone's Dear Martin in the EFL Classroom. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Schüller, T. (2018). Stolen Generation Experiences in Doris Pilkington Garimara's Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Schröder, L. (2022). Reading and Teaching Postcolonial Feminism in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Tary, A. (2018). Representations of the American Dream in Imbolo Mbue's Behold the Dreamers. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich)
- Tüptük, A.-D. (2018). The (Over-)Emphasis on Physical Attractiveness in Disney's Cinderella and Classical Fairy Tales. (Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich & MEd Daniel Schönbauer)
- von Tongelen, B. (2015). The Impact of Globalisation on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language. (Prof. Dr. Uwe Küchler & Bianca Göbler)
- Vaupel, A. (2022). Attitudes to Sprechhemmung in the EFL Classroom. (MEd Daniel Schönbauer & Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hallet)
- Weinreiß, M. (2015). The Hunger Games trilogy as an important contribution to the understanding and awareness of war for young adults. (Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich & Bianca Göbler)
- Altendorf, L. (2022). Exploring the connection between extramural online activities, lexical diversity, and errors in German upper grade students. (Applied Linguistics / Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich & MEd Daniel Schönbauer)