Philipp Reul, OStR
Lecturer for Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Office hour: During the semester: Tuesday 10:00-11:00
Please register beforehand by writing a mail
Short CV
since 2021: Senior Secondary Teacher (Oberstudienrat) at Gymnasium Kreuzgasse, Köln (20%)
since 2019: Seconded Teacher (part-time - 50%) at the University of Bonn - Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
2016: Schoolmanagement, extra-occupational study at the University of Kaiserslautern
since 2014: Consultant in School Development for the Local Government of Cologne (Bezirksregierung Köln) (30%)
2013: Senior Secondary Teacher (Oberstudienrat)
2012: VHS Köln internship (DaZ)
2011-2012: German as a Second (DaZ) and Foreign Language (DaF), extra-occupational study at the University of Bonn
2010: Secondary Teacher (Studienrat) at Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium, Leverkusen
2009: English for Secondary Teachers – Pilgrims Summer School held at the University of Kent, UK
2008-2010: Teacher Trainee at Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium, Leverkusen, 2. Staatsexamen
2005-2006: Academic Year Abroad at the University of Birmingham, UK; Thesis (1. Staatsexamensarbeit) written at the Shakespearean Institute, Stratford-upon-Avon
2002-2007: Lehramt for Secondary Schools at the University of Cologne & German Sports University Cologne (1. Staatsexamen)
2004: Summer School at University of Limerick, Ireland
2001-2003: Paramedic – Rescue Services Bochum / Fire Department
1997-1998: High School exchange student in Frewsburg, New York

Teaching Experiences & Projects at Secondary School
Currently, I teach and tutor 9th-grade students in English and Physical Education at Gymnasium Kreuzgasse in Köln. Previously, at Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium in Leverkusen, I taught students across all grades and academic levels.
Throughout my teaching career, I have served as a class teacher for grades 5 through 10 and have successfully prepared students for both basic and advanced “Abitur” courses.
In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I have held various leadership and project-based roles, including:
- Head or Deputy Head of the English Department at Freiherr-vom-Stein Gymnasium (2010–2018)
- Coordinator for Cambridge English Exams
- Liaison Teacher
- Safety Manager
- Career Preparation Advisor
- Founder and coordinator of an annual student exchange program with our partner school, Melbourne High School in Australia
School Development Consulting
Since 2014, I have been consulting schools within the local government district of Cologne in North Rhine-Westphalia (Regierungsbezirk Köln, NRW). In this role, I work closely with a colleague to provide weekly consultations, supporting schools in their development by integrating project management tools into their processes.
The duration of my consultations varies, ranging from a minimum of six months to several years. This flexibility allows me to engage with a wide variety of schools and educational systems. Our partners include all types of schools, from small primary schools with eight teachers to large secondary and vocational schools with over 150 teachers.
Typically, we collaborate with school steering committees (Steuergruppen), addressing topics that align with the specific priorities of the school community or the education policies of the state. Over the past decade, I have visited and consulted with more than 50 schools.
Research Interests
- Fremdsprachendidaktik Englisch / Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Teaching Language & Language Awareness
- TEFL in Asia
- Professional Development of Teachers
- Mobility Programs
- Qualitative Data Analysis
- School Development & Consulting
PhD Project
A mobility program in the Global South - learning opportunities for German preservice English teachers
1st Advisor:
2nd Advisor:
Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin (Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe)
Prof. Dr. David Gerlach (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Guest Lecturer (DAAD & Erasmus+)
University of Turku, Finland
University of Stavanger, Norway
University of Cádiz, Spain - in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Savannakhet University, Laos P.D.R
Conference Papers
Reul, P., Hallet, W., Berns, F., & Stürzl, D. (2024, January 9). Professional Development = Passionate Teaching? Paper presented at the Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Bonner Fachdidaktiken und Bildungswissenschaften mit dem ZfSL Bonn, University of Bonn.
Reul, P. (2024, October 5). Begegnung mit dem jüdischen Leben heute: “Meet a Jew” (Ein Praxisbericht). Presentation at Teachers’ Day: Holocaust-Erinnerung und Begegnung mit dem jüdischen Leben in der Schule, University of Bonn.
Hallet, W., Reul, P., & Berns, F. (2023, November 30). Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the English Classroom: Englisch lehren und lernen mit künstlicher Intelligenz. Paper presented at the Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Bonner Fachdidaktiken und Bildungswissenschaften mit dem ZfSL Bonn, University of Bonn.
Reul, P. (2023, September 23). A Mobility Program in the Global South: Learning potentials for German pre-service English teachers. Paper presented at the 32nd IATEFL Poland International Conference, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland.
Reul, P. (2022, September 16). A Professional Learning Community in a German-La tandem learning and teaching programme to professionalize German pre-service English teachers as Global Educators (Poster presentation). SLTED Conference. University of Vienna, Vienna.
Reul, P. (2022, September 12). A PLC in a global mobility programme to professionalize German pre-service English teachers as Global Educators (Poster presentation). Tagung Wissen, Können und Handeln für den fremdsprachlichen Unterricht. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal.
Hallet, W., Reul, P. & Krupp, R. (2021, December 16). Üben im Spannungsfeld zwischen Reduktion und Komplexität lebensweltlicher Kommunikationssituationen. University of Bonn: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Bonner Fachdidaktiken und Bildungswissenschaften mit dem ZfSL Bonn.
Martin, I., Dengler, R., Ye, M. & Reul, P. (2021, January 27). German-Lao research projects on bi-directional teaching and learning: Decolonization, Internationalization, Professionalization (Conference Session). University of Education Karlsruhe: Reihe “Ateliergespräche”.
Berns, F. & Reul P. (2021, January 21). Der digitale Englischunterricht – Auch nach Corona? (Conference Session). University of Bonn: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Bonner Fachdidaktiken und Bildungswissenschaften mit dem ZfSL Bonn.
Berns, F. & Reul, P. (2019, January 14). APP-Solutely Simple. Englisch literacies in the digital classroom – lernförderlicher Einsatz digitaler Medien zur Schulung fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen (Conference Session). University of Bonn: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Bonner Fachdidaktiken und Bildungswissenschaften mit dem ZfSL Bonn.