Lichterfeld - Publications & Talks
Research Interests
Early Modern Drama
- Revenge tragedies
- History Plays
- Drama & Space
- Adaptations & Casting Shakespeare
- Virginia Woolf
Blue Humanities
- Water, Sea & Identity
Publications & Talks
- "Gender Changes and the Weak-Queen Dilemma", Shakespeare en devenir, N°18 — 2024, III. “The heart and stomach of a king”: Regendering Monarchy, mis à jour le : 14/12/2024, URL :
- Pascale Drouet, Isabelle Schwartz-Gastine et Imke Lichterfeld, "Introduction: 'How we commit ourselves'", Shakespeare en devenir [En ligne], N°18 — 2024, mis à jour le : 14/12/2024, URL :
- with Sabina Laskowska-Hinz, " Champ de blé aux corbeaux: The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) by Joel Coen." Utpictura 18. 2024 (mis en ligne le 11/08/2024), 10.58048/2968-9198/22537 URL:
- "Paradise Post-Colonialised? A Perpetual Idealist Gaze at the Australian Seaside", in: Australian Studies Journal 40 (2024), German Association for Australian Studies / Gesellschaft für Australienstudien, DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.40/2024.04
- "Contested Kingship - Controversial Coronation: York's Paper Crown", in: Benedikt Brunner / Martin Christ (eds.): The Moment of Death in Early Modern Europe, c. 1450-1800. Contested Ideals, Controversial Spaces, and Suspicious Objects. Intersections. Interdisciplinary. Studies in Early Modern Culture. Leiden: Brill , 2024, pp. 193-210.
- "Gender Changes - 'the bias of the world'?" Louis André / Oliver Norman (eds.): La performance de genre au théâtre élisabéthain et au-delà / Gender Performance on the Elizabethan Stage and Beyond. Shakespeare en Devenir 17. 2024 (03/02/2024), URL : URL:
- “Das Fotoalbum im Roman als kollektive Autobiographie. Schnappschüsse, Gemeinplätze, Erinnerungskultur in Annie Ernaux’ Die Jahre.” Ulrich Hägele (ed.): Kuratierte Erinnerungen: das Fotoalbum. Münster: Waxman, 2023, 242-251.
- "'Poor mortal living ghost' - The ghost of Margaret past/present/future in Richard III". Arret sur scene/Scene Focus 11/22 Url:
- "Teaching Shakespeare during Covid - Experimenting with Portfolios", in: Teaching Shakespeare 21: Teaching Shakespeare in Lockdown, ed. Ronan Hatfull, British Shakespeare Association (2021), 17-18. URL:
- "'Assigned am I to be the English scourge' The ambivalent power of Joan of Arc and Margaret of Anjou". In: Uwe Baumann / Marc Laureys / Konrad Vössing (Hgg. ) Heroinnen und Heldinnen in Geschichte, Kunst und LIteratur. Göttingen: Brill, 2022, 375-391.
- mit Reul, Philipp / Schönbauer, Daniel: "Lehramt Englisch: Synergien zwischen Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft". In: Roland Ißler / Rainer Kaenders / Stephan Stomporowski (Hgg.), Fachkulturen in der Lehrerbildung weiterdenken, Göttingen: V&Runipress, 2022, 63-87.
- "'Sing now, ye people'. Celebratory Songs of Victory in The Lord of the Rings", Die Phantastik und die Musik / Music and the Fantastic, eds. Maria Fleischhack, Patrick Schmitz, Christins Vogt-William. Inklings Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik, Vol. 38, Peter Lang: Berlin, 2021, 131-144.
- "Visualising Injustice - Shakespeare and Racism in the EFL Classroom", in: Daniel Schönbauer (ed.), 'All the world's a stage' - Shakespeare in English Language Education. Topics - Tasks - Selected Texts. Baden Baden: Tectum, 2021, 12-37.
- "Space and Symbolism: The King's Sphere in Shakespeare's Histories". In: Marc Laureys / Jill Kraye / David Lines (eds): Spheres of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht / Bonn University Press, 2020), 161-175.
- "The Poppy Appeal – Erinnern und Gedenken an den Großen Krieg". In: Uwe Baumann. (Hg.). The Great War. Literarische und visuelle Repräsentationen.
- "'Thou livest and breathest, yet art thou slain in him': The Absence of Power in Richard II". Comparative Drama 50.2-3 (2016) (Over Our Dead Bodies, eds. Nicole Fayard, Erica Sheen), 195-207.
- "Mr Darcy’s shirt – An icon of popular culture". In: Marion Gymnich. (Hg.) Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice 2.0. Representation & Reflections 11. Bonn: V & R Press / Bonn University Press, 2015. p. 189-206.
- “Do not banish reason” – Dialog und Dialogisierung in Shakespeares Measure for Measure". In: Uwe Baumann, Arnold Becker, Marc Laureys. (Hgg.): Polemik im Dialog des Renaissance-Humanismus. Super alta perennis - Studien zur Wirkung der Klassischen Antike 19. Bonn: V & R Press / Bonn University Press, 2015. p. 291-315. (Conference: CCT Polemischer Dialog, Bonn, November 2011)
- "'He howl’d fearfully; Said he was a wolf': Lycanthropy in English Renaissance Tragedy and Contemporary Popular Fiction". In: Andrzej Wicher, Piotr Spyra, Joanna Matyjaszczyk. (Hgg.): Basic Categories of Fantastic Literature Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, 72-90.
- “'In that Jerusalem shall Harry die.' King Henry IV’s Faith and Doubt". Shakespeare Seminar Online. Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft. Ausgabe 10 (2012). On:
- “'I would not Taste of Such a Banquet': Ill-f(l)avoured Consumption in The Bloody Banquet", Shakespeare et les arts de la table. Edité par Pierre Kapitaniak, Christophe Hausermann et Dominique Goy-Blanquet, 2012, p. 93-104. (Societé Francaise Shakespeare, Conference (March, 2011): Shakespeare et les arts de la table), also on:
- "'There was every joy on earth in the secret garden' - Nature and Female Identity in The Secret Garden". In: A Hundred Years of The Secret Garden. Frances Hodgson Burnett's Children's Classic Revisited. Ed. Marion Gymnich/ Imke Lichterfeld. Representations & Reflections 9. Goettingen: V & R Press/ Bonn University Press, 2012, p. 27-38. (Conference "A Hundred Years of The Secret Garden", Bonn, November 2010)
- "'It was as if the water floated off and set sailing thoughts.' Images of Loss and the Sea in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and John Banville's The Sea." In: Writing Coast and Sea. Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht. ed. Wolfgang Klooss. (LWU XLIV 2/3. 2011) K&N, p. 213-220.
- "'Timor mortis conturbat me. Fear of death disturbs me' – Fear and Terror in Frank McGuinness’ Speaking like Magpies." In: Who's afraid of...? Facets of Fear in Anglophone Literature and Media. Marion Gymnich. Representations & Reflections 8. Goettingen: V & R Press/ Bonn University Press, 2012 (Conference Volume: Bonn 24-25 September 2010, 2012 (Bonn University Press), p. 259-274.
- "What will I do?' Depression and the trick to keep breathing", International Health & Humanities Conference (Nottingham, August 2010), The Mental Health Review, Vol. 16.3 (2011), 113 - 117. See:
- "'Which of you shall we say doth love us most'- King Lear and the necessity of salt." Akademisk Kwarter. Aalborg. 02/2011. Online:
- "'O how this discord doth afflict my soul!' Natur- und Wetterschilderungen als mantische Bedeutungssubstrate im Drama der Shakespearezeit: The Battle of Alcazar und The Atheist's Tragedy" in Wolfgang Hogrebe (Hg.): Mantik. Profile prognostischen Wissens in Wissenschaft und Kultur. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2005. S. 249-261. (as Imke Pannen)
- Play Review with Jessica Chiba (Shakespeare Institute, Birmingham) & Dana Monah (Iasi): "Paper-thin and dissolving – Richard II", G.Garage Shakespeare-dô Company at Craiova Shakespeare Festival, Dir. Yamato Kochi, Cahiers Elisabethains [forthcoming 2025 in Cahiers Elisabethains]
- Play Review: "'I love myself. I hate myself.' Richard III, dir. Evgeny Titov", Shakespeare en devenir N°18 — 2024, L’Œil du spectateur. Play Reviews, mis à jour le : 10/12/2024, URL :
- "'Transformed into wolves' – Mad Duke Ferdinand in The Duchess of Malfi," in: Programme BUSC, The Duchess of Malfi. Bonn, 2023.
- "violent delights have violent ends. romeo & juliet 2030", in: Programme BUSC, Romeo & Juliet & Troilus & Cressida. Bonn, 2019, 23-25.
- "The Bastard in King John", in: Programmheft BUSC, The Life and Death of King John. Bonn, 2018.
- „For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground/ And tell sad stories of the death of kings“, Bonner Theaterheft. 4/2014.
- mit Julia Pflüger. "Shakespeare und das 21. Jahrhundert - ein Oxymoron?" Rampenlicht. Zeitschrift für Amateurtheater in Niedersachsen. 1/2013. S. 38.
- "I would to heaven I had your potency" - Macht und Korruption in Shakespeares Measure for Measure. in: Theatre Programme. Bonn University Shakespeare Company, Measure for Measure. Bonn, 2013. p. 32-37.
- "The Memory of Loss - Female Constructions of the Past in Richard III", in: Theatre Programme. Bonn University Shakespeare Company, Richard III. Bonn, 2010, p. 29-31.
- "Die Schauspielkunst der Bestien", in: Programmheft BUSC, Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Bonn, 2007.
- "'Be free, and fare thou well' Zu Shakespeares Sturm", in: Programmheft Theater Bonn: Der Sturm. Bonn, 2006. S. 44-45.
- "'So foul and fair a day I have not seen.' Chaosmos in Macbeth", in: Programmheft BUSC, Macbeth. Bonn, 2006.
- "A Labyrinth into Hell", in: Programmheft BUSC, The Changeling. Bonn, 2003.
- "Ein keltischer Selkie - Seehund und Verwandlung", Kinderuni Bonn, 27 January 2025.
- "'My consciousness flowing’: Outdoor Swimming and the Immediacy of Water in Roger Deakin’s Waterlog und Victoria Whitworth’s Swimming with Seals", Current Issues North American and Cultural Studies, 16 January 2025.
- "Seascapes, strands, and ecocritical awareness", Conference: Place and Space in Contemporary English-Written Literatures Prague, Charles University, November 2024.
- "Rereading Kantorowicz’ case study on Shakespeare’s Richard II",
Symposium. Kantorowicz Reconsidered. Reconceptualization of The King's Two Bodies. Interdisciplinary Workshop | Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel | 25.- 27.09.2024.
- "How to connect with landscape? Sea, identity, healing". ESSE Lausanne, Seminar: Travel Writing Poetics, 26-29 August 2024.
"Longing for the Myth – Selkies and the human ecocritical awareness", 10th EASLCE Symposium: European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and the Environment Perpignan, 17-20 June 2024.
“Seascapes and identity – water, ecocritical awareness, and the new mindfulness”, Re-Reading British and Irish Landscapes in the 21st Century: Nature, networks, Identities.
Mannheim 14-15 June 2024. - "Selkie. A fantastic sea creature as an ecocritical metaphor for comfort, longing, and experience", Inklings Conference: The Fantastic for Children / Children in the Fantastic
May 2024. - "The modesty of nature? Spatial Marginalisation & Staging Opportunities", Seminar: "Who Owns Shakespeare?: Casting, Discrimination and the Performance of Location", British Shakespeare Association (BSA) 2023 Conference: ‘Re-locating Shakespeare’, University of Liverpool, 25th – 28th July 2023.
- "Gender changes and the weak-queen dilemma", Seminar 7: Actresses Playing Shakespearean Male Characters: Exception or Significant Change?, European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA) Conference 2023, Budapest, 6-9 July 2023.
- mit Anne Scheuss: Eine Einführung in den Film "'Mrs Dalloway", Kinemathek, Beuel. June 2023.
- "'Now I, now then' - Framing Time in Mrs Dalloway as a choreographed ballet", Conference "Remember my party" A Centenary of Dalloway Day, 13 June 2023. University of Bonn (Comparative Literature & English Studies), June 2023.
- "'Use all gently' - The Fine Line between Casting and Acting" (keynote). Shakespeare Politically In/correct, Conference of teh Polish Shakespeare Society/ Polskiego Towarzystwa Szekspirowskiego, Gdansk, 23 April 2023.
- "Folio/age - Sylvan Wor(l)dbuilding in Shakespeare", Panel "Shakespeare 400 Years after the First Folio", Krakow, April Conference Fifteen, 20-23 April 2023.
- “'For the benefit of silence' - The Ending of Shakespeare's Measure for Measure”, EN-119 Stage Play World (20 February 2023, Abertawe Pryfsgol/ Swansea University).
- “'From all sides they come' - Woolf. Gender. Nation”, EN-207 Evolution of the Word: Modernism (20 February 2023, Abertawe Pryfsgol/ Swansea University).
- "Gender changes - 'the bias of the world", University of Poitiers, Conference: Gender Performance of the Elizabethan Satge: Radicality or Run-of-the-mill?, 2 February 2023.
- "Negotiating the Weak King Dilemma". Emergence of Gendered Power Structures since Early Modern Times: Practices, Norms, Media. International Conference of the Research Network Gender - Power Relations - State, Marburg, November 2022.
- "Das Fotoalbum im Roman als kollektive Autobiografie: Schnappschuesse, Allgemeinplaetze, Erinnerungskultur - Annie Ernaux: Die Jahre", Kuratierte Erinnerungen. Das Fotoalbum. Museum fuer Fotografie, Berlin, November 2022.
- "Looking at the Relation - Picturing Performances", Fifty Years of Seeing with John Berger. Ways of Picturing, Thinking and Telling our Time. SEAC Annual International Conference, University of Lorraine, Metz, Oktober 2022.
- "Natuerliche Tiere. Uebernatuerliche Hexen. Macbeth 2021", 27. Jahrestagung des AK Geschlechtergeschichte der Fruehen Neuzeit: Natuerliches. Uebernatuerliches, Stuttgart, Oktober 2022.
- "Mapping the Nation - an Introduction". Student Conference, Bonn, June 2022.
"The Glass ceiling & Marginalisation. Questioning Performance." Demokratisierung & Machstrukturen - Lecture Series. May 2022. - "The effect and efficiency of cutting and conflating in 2021: Macbeth and the supernatural". York St John. March 2022. / AMU Poznan April 2022.
- "'My Own Private Idaho' at 30. Introduction & Discussion." Kinosophie - Philosophische Filmbetrachtungen at Kino in der Brotfabrik. February 2022.
- "Mansplaining clothes. Toxic Protection in Shakespeare's Comedies: 'what shall I do with my doublet and hose?'". The Realm of Possbility. A Gender and Queer Studies Symposium. Masculinity. ibugi Alanus Hochschule, 12-14 November 2021.
- "Paradise Post-Colonialised? A Perpetual Idealist Gaze at the Australian Seaside". Australian Seascapes - Gesellschaft für Australienstudien Biennial Conference Trier, 27 September - 2 October 2021.
- “Conceal me what I am” – Protective Masculinity in Shakespeare’s Comedies, Fashion and Function: Exploring the Protective Use of Dress in Times of Crisis/ Dressing the Early Modern Network Conference", King's College, London, September 2021.
- "Interrogating A Midsummernight's Dream", Independent Bonn International School, June 2021.
“My shape as true”: Natural Illegitimacy / Unnatural Legitimacy and Gender-conscious Casting", European Shakespeare Research Association, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens, June 2021. - “Teaching Shakespeare & Race”, Adam Miskiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, May 2021.
“Gender-conscious casting on the contemporary stage”, Adam Miskiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, May 2021. - "Illegitimate Possibilities - the effects of gender-conscious casting". Online conference: The Realm of Possbility. A Gender and Queer Studies Symposium. ibugi Alanus Hochschule, 19-21 November 2020.
- "Photographs, collective memory, and identity crises", CRiSiS, European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies, Leuven, September 2020 (cancelled due to Covid)
- "Random Pictures, rediscovery, and collective memory", BCLA Randomness, Belfast, September 2020 (cancelled due to Covid)
- "British Sign Language on Stage - a 'foreign' dialect?", Shakespeare in Action, British Shakespeare Association, University of Surrey, July 2020 (postponed due to Covid)
- "Diversity on stage? - Shakespearean productions and racism, sexism, and ableism", University College Cork, March 2020.
- "Virginia Woolf on the ROH stage: “She wanted to write as if she were writing music and choreographing dance”, Performativity and Creativity in Modern Cultures, Prague, November 2019.
- "'His eyes... had a kind of dancing madness in them.' Alan Breck Stewart - Rake, swashbuckler, and charming popular underdogs", BGECS, Das 18. Jahrhundert in Film und Populärkultur, Bonn, October 2019.
- "Webster and Middleton: The Duchess of Malfi and the nature of revenge tragedies", Aix-en-Provence, Agrégation, September 2019.
- "The context of E.M. Forster's Howards End. Understanding Early Modernism", Aix-en-Provence, Agrégation, September 2019.
- "Ecociticism, Linguistics, and Spaces in Shakespeare: The Court and the Forest is As you like it." Cours Magistral, Aix-en-Provence, Sept 2019.
- "'Fine word - legitimate' - Shakespeare's Bastards on Stage Today", British Shakespeare Association, Swansea, July 2019.
- "Mapping King Lear. Seeing and Understanding Chaos", European Shakespeare Research Association, Roma Tre, Rome, July 2019.
- "The Fascination with Experiments. Risks and Consequences of Scientific Reserach in Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" Frankenstein Festival, 8 June 2019, Brotfabrik Traumpalast e.V.
- "Negotiating Heritage. Writing Memory", 3 June 2019, King's College London.
- "Shakespeare's Bastards". Gastvorlesung im Modul: Teaching, Lesson Planning and Shakespeare, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Prof. Dr. Uwe Küchler), 21 Januar 2019.
- "Illegitimay, Power, and Charisma". Ringvorlesung Perspectives on Shakespeare, Universität zu Köln (Prof. Neumeier, Dr. Youssef), 15 November 2018.
- "'I have had my vision' What happens after a moment of being?", Conference: Aftermath. The fall and the rise after the event, Krakau, Polen, 25-26 October 2018.
- "'The Rest is silence' – Measure for Measure", (University of Swansea, 21 March 2017).
- "''What are you made of?' Joan of Arc and Margaret of Anjou in Shakespeare's Henry VI"", University of Galway, Research Seminar (February 2016)
- mit Katharina Engel: "Poppies and Poetry“ - Der Erste Weltkrieg in der Erinnerungskultur Großbritanniens“. Dies Academicus der Universität Bonn. 20. Mai 2015.
- “Thou livest and breathest, Yet art thou slain in him” – The dead body as a reminder of power and guilt. (Over his Dead Body, March 2015, King's Manor (University of York/ University of Leicester).
"The West Wing" - American Television: The drama series (Focus on North American Popular Cultures, April 2014). - "But I won't deny that I am a werewolf." - A fantastic stereotype in Contemporary Children's Literature? (Harry Potter Workshop, University of Bonn, February 2014).
- "'But oh, accursed palace!' - Subversive Society and Sexuality in The Revenger's Tragedy" (keynote), Diversity and Homogeneity. The Politics of Nation, Class, and Gender in Drama, Theatre, Film and Media (Lodz, October 2013).
- "'Charlie will come again' - Bonnie Prince Charlie and Eighteenth Century Stuart Nostalgia", BGECS, Zeit und Zeiterleben, Bonn, October 2013.
- "'There's gunpowder i'th'court' - Violence and Sin in The Revenger's Tragedy'", Inverness College, University of the Highlands and Islands, March 2013.
- "Space in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse" (Bonner Hochschultage, March 2012).
"A rose is a rose? Doubling in Michael Boyd’s production of Shakespeare’s Histories", British Shakespeare Association, Lancaster (February 2012) - "Anonymus, William Shakespeare, das Elisabethanische Theater und die Verfasserschaftsfrage", joint lecture with Prof. Dr. Uwe Baumann (Dies Academicus, Bonn, December 2011).
- "A Kingdom for a stage” – A Literary Approach to the Shakespearean Stage (Bonner Hochschultage, January 2011).
- "'Truth and Vertue shall at last succeed' - Die Rezeption von Nahum Tates King Lear" (BGECS: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1st annual Conference, Bonn, October 2010)
- "Remember, remember, the fifth of November’ - History Plays". (21st-Century European Literature: Mapping New Trends, St. Andrews, September 2010).
- "Finch's Spleen", Conference "Discovering the Human" (Berlin, September 2009)
- "'Come image of brave death' - Senecas Einfluss in ausgewählten Rachetragödien der englischen Renaissance" (CCT: Centre for Classical Tradition, University of Bonn, June 2008)
- Book Review: Dominique Goy-Blanquet, From the Domesday Book to Shakespeare’s Globe: The Legal and Political Heritage of Elizabethan Drama. Warwick Studies in Renaissance Thought and Culture 1. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023. In: Jahrbuch Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft (2025). [forthcoming]
- Book Review: Janet Clare / Dominique Goy-Blanquet. Migrating Shakespeare. First European Encounters, Routes and Networks. London: Arden, 2021. In: Jahrbuch Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft (2023).
- Book Review: Helen Maurer/ B.M Cron. The Letters of Margaret of Anjou. Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer, 2019. In: H Soz Kult.
- Book Review: Vernon Guy Dickson. Emulation on the Shakespearean Stage. London: Ashgate, 2013. In: Jahrbuch Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft 152 (2016), 265-266.
- Book Review: David Margolies. Shakespeare's Irrational Endings: The Problem Plays. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. In: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 250/165.2 (2013) Erich Schmidt Verlag. 430-432.
- Book Review: Emer O'Sullivan. Historical Dictionary of Children's Literature. The Scarecrow Press, 2010, on: (December 2011).
with Nicoleta Cinpoes, Nataliya Torkut, "Shakespeare and Resistance: Teaching Humanity/ies", 9 July 2023, ESRA Conference, Budapest .
Participant at: Table Ronde, «Les études shakespeariennes sont-elles une discipline?» / Roundtable, «Are Shakespeare Studies a Discipline ?», Conference of the Societé Francaise Shakespeare "Shakespeare et le dialogue des disciplines" 2021; Présidence : Sophie Lemercier-Goddard (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon), Sophie Chiari (Université Clermont Auvergne), Claire Gheeraeert-Graffeuille (Université de Rouen), Imke Lichterfeld (Universität Bonn), Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), William West (Northwestern University), 12 March 2021.
Auditor/ Participant at: "'Bring Me the Map': Shakespeare and the Cartographic Imagination", Facilitator: Sharon Emmerichs (University of Alaska, Anchorage), Workshop, British Shakespeare Association, Liverpool 2023
diverse theatre workshops Organisation / in collaboration with Vanessa Basilio de Luca, Johannes Neubert, Julius da Silva, Diana Jackson-Pretorius