Logo for the fourth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference. An array of blue figures, starting with a dark blue in the middle and becoming lighter towards ...
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Logo for the third Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference. Four silhouettes of people in conversation filled with various national flags..
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Logo for the second Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference. Four black silhouettes of people in conversation.
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Logo for the first Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference. Blue rectangle with white writing: BAELc1 First Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference
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Logo for the twelfth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference. Four puzzle pieces in blue, yellow, and grey, with one of them detached. The syllables of ...
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Logo for the eleventh Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference. Black, white and blue globe with blue speech bubbles in the middle. One says Language, the ...
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Logo for the tenth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference: Two black silhouettes in front of a cloud of blue words associated with applied linguistics
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Logo for the ninth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference: Black globe with lines for the equator, the poles, and degrees of longitude surrounded by ...
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logo for the seventh Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference: four black 3D modelled figures looking at a blue blackboard with white chalk writing: BAELc7. ...
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