Universität Bonn

English Medieval Studies

Studentische Hilfskraft and Tutors

See our current and past SHK and tutors below.

Current SHK

Tabea Wiegand (she/her)

Student Assistant for Prof. Irina Dumitrescu

Contact: s5tawieg@uni-bonn.de

Duties include:

  • academic research
  • accumulating bibliographies
  • administrative and organisational work.

Tabea Wiegand.jfif
© Tabea Wiegand


Kerstin Müller, BA (they/them)

Tutor for English in the Middle Ages (Middle English) (current)

Email: kmiaak@uni-bonn.de

© Private

Julia Theresa Wolters

Tutor for English in the Middle Ages (Old English)  (current)

Email: s5jjwolt@uni-bonn.de

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