IAAK Queer Week

The IAAK is for the first time organising a Queer Week, taking place Monday, 3rd June – Friday, 7th June to highlight the interesting topics in queer studies and queer linguistics the department is working on and teaching in classes. These will be combined with a rainbow of different activities and events, such as invited talks, readings, workshops, film viewings, etc. You can check out the concrete programme down below.
We are looking forward to a proud week with everyone involved!
Monday, 10 am to 12 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
As part of the course ''Classics in Lesbian Literature and Theory''.
Unfortunately, this lecture had to be cancelled due to illness. The viewing of 'Carol' in the evening connected to this lecture will NOT take place!
Monday, 10 am to 14 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 7)
Monday, 14 pm to 18 pm (Main Building - Übungsraum 3, VZ)
It's best to take part in both sessions (Seminar + Übung) to be able to participate. Please contact alensch@uni-bonn.de to get hold of materials that help you prepare for the meeting.
Monday, 4 pm until 5:30 pm (Main Building - Lecture Hall 1)
Monday, 6 pm to 8 pm (Main Building - Lecture Hall 1)
As part of the course ''Classics in Lesbian Literature and Theory''.
Unfortunately, the viewing of 'Carol' has to be cancelled due to illness.
Tuesday, 9 am to 10 am (Main Building - Lecture Hall 1)
As part of the course ''Regional Studies'' by Don Lowman.
Tuesday, 10 am to 12 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 6)
As part of the course ''Rulership and the Nation''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Tuesday, 2 pm to 4 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 6)
As part of the course ''Shakespeare's Green Spaces''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Tuesday, 6:30 pm to 8 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
John Sam Jones is a campaigner for LGBT rights in Wales and an award-winning author.
Wednesday, 9 am to 10 am (Main Building - Lecture Hall 1)
As part of the course ''Popular Culture''.
Wednesday, 12 to 2 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 7)
It's best to take part in both sessions to be able to participate. Please contact alensch@uni-bonn.de to get hold of materials that help you prepare for the meeting.
Wednesday, 12 pm to 2 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
As part of the course ''Writing Skills'' by Don Lowman.
Wednesday, 2 pm to 4 pm (Main Building - Lecture Hall XI)
As part of the course ''Gender Wars in the Digital Age''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Wednesday, 2 pm to 4 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
As part of the course ''Queer Embodiement''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Wednesday, 2 pm to 4 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
Take this opportunity to keep up to date with SCHLAU's current work.
Wednesday, 4 pm to 6 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
organised by the Fachschaft English, American and Celtic Studies
Wednesday, 4 pm to 6 pm (Am Hof 3-5, Room 1.006)
As part of the course ''Gibson Girls, Suffragettes, Flappers, and Vamps - The New Woman in North American Culture''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Wednesday, 6 pm to 8 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
As part of the course ''Two-Spirit: Indigenous Views on Sex and Gender''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Thursday, 12 pm to 2 pm (Main Building - Lecture Hall 1)
As part of the course ''Regional Studies'' by Don Lowman.
Kate Charlesworth is a cartoonist, ilustrator and writer. Ckeck out her Website, if you want to learn more about her work.
This event unfortunately had to be cancelled due to illness.
Thursday, 12 pm to 2 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
As part of the course ''Writing Skills'' - Group 1 by David Moroney
Thursday, 2 pm to 4 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 8)
As part of the course ''Writing Skills'' - Group 2 by David Moroney
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Thursday, 4 pm to 6 pm (Main Building - Lecture Hall XV)
As part of the course ''The Popular Romance Novel: Gender, Sex, and Discourse''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Thursday, 6 pm to 8 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 11)
(Please note: This talk will be held entirely in German.)
Friday, 10 am to 12 pm (Main Building - Lecture Hall V)
As part of the course ''Translation Studies''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Friday, 2 pm to 4 pm (Main Building - Lecture Hall XIV)
As part of the course ''Queer Linguistics''.
For further information on this seminar and any additional reading material required to participate fully in this seminar, please contact the lecturer.
Friday, 4 pm to 6 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 7)
Friday, 6 pm to 8 pm (Rabinstraße - Seminar Room 7)
Special guests are Chiara Hoheisel and Natacha Jill Colin (Divana Verlag) and the panel is moderated by Professor Dr. Svenja Kranich.
(Please note: This event will take place entirely in German.)