Swantje Leiting
Student assitant
preferred pronouns: she/her
Swantje Leiting is currently enrolled in the Master's programme Applied Linguistics at the University of Bonn.
She is employed as a project assistant, working on "Language, Discourse and Power Structures in (De-)Democratization1".
From April 2019 - October 2024, she worked for the BAEL chair as a student assistant, RCAL2 co-ordinator, and Applied Linguistics Master mentor.
From October 2021 - October 2022, she was involved in the project FamiLingo3, as a research assistant with a focus on human resources, administration, and public relations.
Presentations and Publications
''Ist inklusiver, das mag ich'' - Auswirkungen von Geschlecht und Einstellung zu geschlechtergerechter Sprache auf ihre Nutzung''. TAlk presented at the conference 45te Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprache, University of Cologne, Germany, 07-10 March 2023 (with Hanna Bruns)
'''Gendern nein danke' or 'Gendern ist richtig und wichtig'? The impact of attitudes on the use of gender-inclusive language in German''. Talk presented at the conference Attitudes towards gender-inclusive language. A multinational perspective, Queen Mary University of London, England, 08-09 September 2022 (with Hanna Bruns)
''With a great compliment comes a great response-ibility: Upgraders and downgraders in written compliment responses in English English and Malaysian English''. Poster presented at the 11th Bonn Applied Englidh Linguistics Conference (BAELc), University of Bonn, Germany, 24-25 June 2022.
Bruns, H., & Leiting, S. (to appear). Annoying or important? – Arguments for and against gender-fair language use across age and gender. Special Issue: The workings of discrimination: Gender-inclusive language between acceptance and opposition, F. Formato (Ed.), Journal of Language and Discrimination.
Bruns, H. & Leiting, S. (2024). Using gender-inclusive language in German? It's a question of attitude... In: F. Pfalzgraf (Ed.), Public attitudes towards gender-inclusive language: A multinational perspective. [Language and Social Life], De Gruyter Mouton.
- https://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/lets/research-projects/demokratisierung-und-machtstrukturen-d-m
- https://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/bael/en/resources-for-students/student-resource/rcal
- https://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/bael/en/research/previous-projects/copy_of_familingo