Universität Bonn

Uni Bonn - LETS


We regularly plan workshops for different topics, conferences, or other interesting events. You can find information on them here.

Workshop “Democratisation, roles, and discourse”
Rabinstraße 8
Whole Day
This workshop aimed to explore the intricate relationship between language use, societal roles, and the processes of democratization in various contexts. The ...
12th Bonn Applied English Linguistics conference
University Forum (FIW), ...
Whole Day
The 12th iteration of the BAEL conference took place on Friday, July 7th, and Saturday, July 8th, 2023. The focus of this year’s conference was on ...
Poster Workshop
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
In preparation for the upcoming BAELc12, we held a small poster workshop. This way, the students can start preparing their posters for the conference and get ...


PhD student Lisa-Christine Altendorf held talk at PH Lucerne

On September 2nd, 2023, our PhD student Lisa-Christine Altendorf held a talk titled "Extramural activities and their relationship with English as a foreign language: Internetese and standard English?"

Published in the International Journal of the Sociology of Language

Hanna Bruns, a PhD candiate under Prof. Kranich's supervision, has recently published a paper based on her Master's thesis. It is titled "“That’s all it takes to be trans”: counter-strategies to hetero- and transnormative discourse on YouTube" and can be found open access via De Gruyter.

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