Kendra Fiddler, M.A., M-TESOL
Institutional Mailing Address
Lecturer for Special Tasks / Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (LfbA),
Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies, University of Bonn (IAAK),
Office Location
Room 2-058
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Research Interests
Language Learning and Language Teaching
Foreign/Second Language Acquisition, Task-Based Interaction, TESOL/TEFL, Language-Teaching Methodologies, Etymology, Phonetics and Phonology, Language Transfer
Poetry, Poetry in Translation, Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Coming-of-Age Literature, Verse Novel, Lyrical Essay
Religious Studies
Interreligious Dialogue and Peace-Building, Comparative Study of Judaism/Christianity/Islam, Islamic Arts and Architecture, Mystic Poetry

Academic Profile
Master’s, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M-TESOL), Arizona State University
Master of Arts, Abrahamic Studies, Dallas International University
Semester Abroad, Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Sciences, India
Bachelor of Arts, Cross-Cultural Studies, Milligan University
2004: Summa cum Laude, National Latin Exam
2009-2012: Dean’s List, Milligan University
2011: Alpha Chi Honor Society
Since Oct. 2023: Lecturer for Special Tasks, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies, University of Bonn
Aug. 2022 – Sep. 2023: English Teacher, Helen Doron Educational Group, Köln
2016–2023: Freelance editor and proofreader, remote
2021–2022: Assistance Instructor, Dallas International University, remote
2019–2021: Student Research Assistant, Dallas International University, Texas, USA
Sep. 2015 – July 2017: English Teacher and Foreign Expert, Zhejiang Normal University, Zhejiang, China
2014–2015: English Teacher and Substitute Teacher, St. Mary’s School, Oregon, USA
2012–2014: Editor/Curriculum Designer, Lampstand Press, Tennessee, USA
University of Bonn
Language Skills I
Writing Skills I (Intro to academic writing)
Writing Skills II (Academic writing based on analysis of short stories)
Writing Skills III (Contemporary English poetry)
Zhejiang Normal University
General College English
Classics of British and American Literature
Dallas International University
Understanding the Qur’an (guest lecturer)
Abrahamic Shared Stories (assistant instructor)
St. Mary’s School
Academic Writing/Speechwriting
“Immanuel,” Christian Courier. February 12, 2021.
“The Further I Get from Tuesday,” Grief and Loss Support. June 9, 2021.
“Annunciations to Mary in the Qur’an: Jewish-Christian Subtexts, Milieu, and Typology.” Master’s thesis, Dallas International University, 2021.
Abraham Conference, Dallas International University — October 16, 2019
Fiddler, K., Richardson, K. “Born of Mary, Begotten of God: Considering the Humanity and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Qur’an.”
骆传伟. Practical Classroom English, 示范英语口语. Publishing committee: 胡春媛, 方红梅, 吴玉美, 蒋鑫晨, 吴欣, 王鹏伟, Andrea Michelle Horrigan, Annie Elizabeth Euesden, Rochelle L. Golliday, Katie Fiddler, Kendra Fiddler. Zhejiang University Press, 2020.
2024: “24 Hours on The Artist’s Way,” a creative co-working project for professionals in the German Association of Sprachpraxis Professional network: co-organizing with Linda Wright at Universität Osnabrück
Since SoSe 2024: BA supervision
Since WiSe 2023/24: Semesterly Judge for the Student English Creative Writing Competition, IAAK, Uni Bonn