You are required to attend the course regularly (Anwesenheitspflicht gemäß § 64 Abs. 2a HZG NRW), to do your homework, submit the Studienleistung (three writing assignments, including the Mock Exam) without exception, and to participate actively in class.
You are only allowed to miss up to 30% of your class, including absences excused by a certificate. Reaching the 30% mark means you do not receive credit for the course. This is for all Language Practice courses.
Offered in the WiSe.
This introductory course focuses on the basics of the English learning with a review of grammar, vocabulary learning, reading, and text production.
Offered in the SoSe.
This is a first-year composition course, which aims to explain argumentative essay writing as a clear process and to introduce students to techniques which are essential to effective essay writing.
Module Exam (Abschlussprüfung): Language Skills I and Writing Skills I.
Offered in the WiSe.
This second-year course focuses on the discussion and reading comprehension of short stories and articles, and learning vocabulary in order to produce both summaries and short creative writing tasks.
Offered in the SoSe.
This second-year course focuses on academic writing via discussing and analyzing short stories.
Module Exam (Abschlussprüfung): Language Skills II and Writing Skills II.
Offered in the SoSe.
Advanced course focusing on oral and presentation skills, developing self-confidence.
Exam (Teilprüfung): Language Skills III: Final Presentation.
Offered in the SoSe.
Advanced course which has different focuses, for example, business English, creative writing, poetry, etc.
Exam (Teilprüfung): Writing Skills III: Portfolio.