Vergangene Veranstaltungen
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Dewi Alter
06:00 PM
Dewi Alter (Cardiff University)
Robert Owen's de adventu Cadwalladri Regis Britonum ad Urbem (1585?) recently rediscovered in the Vatican Library
Please ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Mark Darling
06:00 PM - 07:30 PM
Mark Darling (Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg)
British Latin as a window on early Brittonic-Celtic
Please note that the talk starts at 6 pm ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Viktoriia Krivoshchekova
06:00 PM
Viktoriia Krivoshchekova (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
Prepositions and metaphorical thinking in Old Irish: constructing mental space
Please note ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Myrzinn Jaouen
06:00 PM
Myrzinn Jaouen (Skol an Emsav / SKSK)
"Middle Breton literature, a northwestern production"
Please note that the talk starts at 6 pm sharp. If you would ...
Vortrag in memoriam Rudolf Thurneysen: Bernhard Bauer
Rabinstr. 8
06:00 PM
Unter dem Titel "Frühmittelalterliche Glossen - Eine Schnittstelle zwischen Keltologie, Linguistik, Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften und Mediävistik" wird ...
Infoveranstaltung für Erstsemester
Rabinstr. 8
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Die Abteilung für Keltologie läd alle neuen Erstsemester herzlich ein an der Infoveranstaltung teilzunehmen. Es werden die Dozierenden und die zu belegenden ...
Thurneysen-Colloquium 2024
Rabinstr. 8
Whole Day
Die Abteilung für Keltologie veranstaltet vom 29. bis 31. August 2024 in der Rabinstraße 8 in Bonn ein internationales Colloquium mit rund 25 Wissenschaftlern ...
Keltologisches Kolloquium: Brian Ó Catháin
Rabinstr. 8
06:00 PM
Áine ‘Neans’ de Paor/Nancy (Wyse-)Power (1899–1963) und Caitilín Ní Maol-Chróin/Kathleen Mulchrone (1895–1973): zwei Keltologinnen aus der Schule Rudolf ...
Keltologisches Kolloquium: David Callander
Rabinstr. 8
06:00 PM
Prophecy and Voice: the Middle Welsh Dialogue of Merlin and and his sister Gwenddydd and its afterlife in the 16th century
This paper illuminates the latest ...
Katechismentagung 2024
Forum Internationale ...
Whole Day
Im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts „Frühneuzeitliche Übersetzungskulturen von Wales: Aufbrüche und Kontinuitäten“ veranstaltet die Abteilung für Keltologie vom 27. bis ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Anna Muradova
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Anna Muradova (independent scholar, Tbilisi)
"A step towards Celtic Studies in Russia: Ekaterina Balobanova (1847–1927) and her collection of Breton legends"
IAAK Queer Week: Meeting with John Sam Jones
Rabinstr. 8
06:30 PM - 08:00 PM
Meet John Sam Jones, campaigner for LGBT rights in Wales and award-winning author, who will read from his literature as well as talk about his journey of ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Bernadette Smelik
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Bernadette Smelik (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
"The Dragon's daughter: Maartje Draak as defender of Celtic Studies in the Netherlands"
Keltologisches Kolloquium: Jasper Kaufhold
Rabinstr. 8
06:00 PM
Plain of Banbha, Inis Fáil and the Green Fields of Fódla - Comparing Kenningar for Ireland in Classical Irish Bardic Poetry
The strict, and simultaneously ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Hemprich, Poppe, Ronan
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Gisbert Hemprich (University of Bonn), Erich Poppe (University of Marburg), Patricia Ronan (TU University Dortmund)
"In memoriam Hildegard Tristram: ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Mair Ffion Jones
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Mair Ffion Jones (Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth)
"Performing past and present: The self-fashioning of Angharad Llwyd (1780–1866), ...
Keltologisches Kolloquium: Dr. Karolina Rosiak
Rabinstr. 8
06:00 PM
Drawing on data from an ethnographic study conducted in Wales between 2014 and 2018, the present paper will discuss the motivations to learn Welsh as well as ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Abigail Burnyeat
06:00 PM
Abigail Burnyeat (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig)
"Anima Celtica: Ella Carmichael as scholar, activist and muse in the Scottish Celtic Revival"
Please register via ...
Rugby Match: Scotland vs. Wales
Rabinstr. 8
04:30 AM
The European Annual Rugby Tournament, the Six Nations, starts on Friday, 02 February. On Saturday, 03 February, 4.30pm (German time), the two Celtic nations ...
Verschoben! Irisch-gälische Dichtung mit Mícheál Ó Flaithearta
Am Hof 3-5
05:00 PM
Die Veranstaltung wird streikbedingt verschoben!
Die Abteilung für Keltologie lädt herzlich ein zum Vortrag von Dr. Mícheál Ó Flaithearta „Das Irische ist ...
Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar: Christina Cleary
06:00 PM
Christina Cleary (Queen’s University Belfast)
„Difficult“, „demanding“, „a lemon“: exploring the language used to describe the great scholar Eleanor ...
Vortrag in memoriam Rudolf Thurneysen: Tanguy Solliec
Rabinstr. 8
06:15 PM
Die Abteilung für Keltologie läd herzlich ein!
The first records written in Old Breton were glosses in the early Middle Ages. However, documentation remains ...