Fachschaft Anglistik, Amerikanistik & Keltologie

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We are the Student Representatives of the Institute for English, American and Celtic Studies.

As the elected members, we support our students, help with questions, organise events and represent our students' concerns, opinions, and perspectives. We also offer a trained awareness team who can help you and is present during every event.

Frequently asked questions

Check out our FAQ to learn more about common questions you might be having about your studies!


Weekly FSR Meeting

Thursday 9am. Please let us know in advance if you want to attend. Open meetings take place every third week of the month, location tba.

Office hour

Just knock on our door or write us a DM or mail beforehand



2. Floor, Room 2.054
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn


Weekly FSR Meeting

Thursday 9am. Please let us know in advance if you want to attend. Open meetings take place every third week of the month, location tba.

Office hour
Just knock on our door or write us a DM or mail beforehand



2. Floor, Room 2.054
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn


Fresher's Guide

Don't know where to begin? Worry not, our fresher's guide can help you get started with points of contact, a glossary, and many other things.

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© Volker Lannert

Studies Coordination Team

Your first point of contact for anything related to your studies at the IAAK. They can help you with registration of courses, advise you on your further course of studies, and point you in the general direction of the right people to talk to.

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© Alina Schuster


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