We have collected answers for various frequently asked questions here. If you are missing an answer, please check the Studies Coordination FAQs or let us know what is missing.


No, as you are already part of the student body! You can always come to our meetings (information on our instagram and website) and events. If you are interested in our work, you can always organize events with us and put yourself up for our next election!

The FAAK holds yearly Fachschaft elections. You can always get in touch with us to learn more!

You do not have to and are always welcome to come along to all of our events!

General Q's

1. For BA students: Dr. Imke Lichterfeld and Dr. Nicole Meier will host an event during freshers week. Information regarding that can be found on our website. 
2. For MA students: In your master’s, the lecturers will host a similar introductory event during the first week of term and will provide you with that information beforehand. 

You can always come to us and we will confidentially discuss that issue with you. We have trained awareness-representatives and can give you some first advice. However, we will most likely always refer you to our lecturers of trust.

As attendance is not mandatory in most cases, you do not have to but we recommend it.

It is not mandatory to attend your tutorials but we highly recommend you doing so! Especially as you have to pass Studienleistungen in your tutorials and will discuss content that will be important for the exam.

If you realize that in the beginning of the term, you can deregister during the “Nachbelegungsphase” which is about a month into the term. The course will not appear on your transcript of records as failed. If you realize that after the “Nachbelegungsphase”, the course will be marked as failed for that term on your transcript of records. However, as life happens and we may not always manage with all courses, you should not stress if a course is marked as failed.

Course Registration

That always depends on what year you’re in. If you are a fresher, definitely attend the introduction event during freshers’ week as you will be told what courses you should take in your first year and how the subject is structured. Additionally, there are “Modulhandbücher” and the “Studienverlaufsplan” (the structured plan is not compulsory but provides an exemplary schedule). The Modulhandbuch gives you detailed information om every module while the Studienverlaufsplan provides an overview of which courses should (idealy) be chosen in which semester.

Stay calm! You still have the second registration phase and after that, you can still kindly ask your lecturers via email if they have an empty spot in their course.

Yes! You can always check the “Modulhandbücher” for what courses are part of a module. You can always check the descriptions on Basis, sometimes lecturers note that you have to be registered in a certain part of the module in order to be able to take it.

As many as possible. One priority does not guarantee a spot in the course but if you check as many priorities as possible, you are very likely securing a spot in one of the courses.

Basis will not register you for overlapping courses. You should loosely plan your semester before registering for courses (make sure to choose multiple priorities for different groups!). In case your other “Fach”’s modules take place at the same time, you have to prioritize which courses to take in which semester.

Exams / Term Papers

We cannot provide you with previously written exams. If you know older students, you can always ask them about their experience of the exam. Further, our lecturers always discuss their exams in detail and often give examples in their courses of how the exam is structured and what questions you can expect. So attend your courses!

Always by the end of term (31.03 and 30.09), unless your lecturer gives you different information. Remember that you have to register for your term paper two weeks before your deadline!

Latest, two weeks before the deadline. The rule is that you have to hand in your term paper twelve weeks after having registered it and earliest after two weeks. Thus, do not register your term paper at the beginning of the term as you will have to hand it in twelve weeks into the term.


You need a doctor’s note that you are sick on that day and have to hand it in to the Prüfungsamt. If you do not do that, you have failed the exam. Further, contact your lecturer via email and tell them you will not attend the exam and have contacted the Prüfungsamt.

In most cases, this is not an issue but should always be discussed with your lecturer. Many lecturers will not have a problem if you write your term paper in the following term, as long as you have passed your “Studienleistung”. In some instances, this is not possible, so always discuss that possibility with your lecturer early.

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