Fachschaft Anglistik, Amerikanistik & Keltologie
We are the Student Representatives of the Institute for English, American and Celtic Studies.
As the elected members, we support our students, help with questions, organise events and represent our students' concerns, opinions, and perspectives. We also offer a trained awareness team who can help you and is present during every event.
You can find our office on the second floor of the Rabinstr. 8 at room number 2.054.
Office Hour: Just knock on our door or write us a DM or mail beforehand.
Weekly FSR Meeting: Thursday 9.00 am. Please let us know in advance if you want to attend. Open meetings take place every third week of the month, location tba.

- https://uni-bonn.sciebo.de/s/kksFjAhPtunyt1F
- https://www.instagram.com/fs.anglistik.bonn/?hl=de
- https://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/keltologie/en/studium/fachausschuss-keltologie
- https://ecampus.uni-bonn.de/goto.php?target=crs_3589930_rcodenJW8A8LWgP&client_id=ecampus