Timeline for 2025-26:
Application to the IAAK
Application to the IAAK until 20 December 2024 on Mobility Online
You can find the presentation from our info meeting in November HERE.
Selection process
Acceptance letters will be sent out at the beginning of February 2025
Nomination process
We will nominate you to the different partner universities
Registration at the partner university
You will have to register at the different partner universities after they contact you with information on how to do so. Please consider the different deadlines!
The ERASMUS-Programme offers:
- Scholarships for one or two semesters
- A choice of 22 partner universities (Dr. Imke Lichterfeld)
- Financial support: exemption from tuition fees at the host university AND monthly allowance of about 540 to 600 € plus social top-up of 250 € monthly (for working students, students with kids, etc.).
- Most partner universities allow lodging in halls of residence
- Intense social support at the partner universities
- Academic support: credits for your international study achievements (Dr. Nicole Meier)
- Regular office hours for Erasmus outgoings (Tabea Wiegand) and incomings (Charlie Schwall)
For more information, please visit the Erasmus website from our International Office.
Deadline for AJ 2025/26 (Winter and Summer Term): 20 Dec 2024
First steps
- Start thinking about your stay abroad one year in advance
- Look at our list of partner universities
- Find out which universities you are most interested in and check if they offer courses and modules which suit your curriculum (don't forget your minor)
- Be aware of the Erasmus application deadline and hand in your application
If you have questions, you are always welcome to see us during the office hours.
We urgently recommend reading the ERASMUS information of the International Office before your application. You can find the website HERE.
How do I apply?
Application documents:
- Application Form
- Letter of Motivation - Why do you want to study abroad?
- 2-3 pages in English
- Please choose three partner universities and state your reasons for your selection. You can find an entire list on our subsite.
- Academic motivation - What do you intend to study abroad and how does that fit into your course of study?
- Personal motivation - What motivates you to stay abroad for a longer time with Erasmus?
- Commitment besides your studies - Social involvement, Student Advisor Programme, etc.
- CV (short)
- Letter of Recommendation: Sent directly to us by the teacher, either in a sealed envelope to our office or in an email to <outgoings.anglistik@uni-bonn.de> as a photo/scan of the signed document.
Letter of Recommendation (normal)
Letter of Recommendation (ausfüllbar)
- Transcript of Records (Notenübersicht bei basis)
To apply, please submit all required documents in a SINGLE PDF FILE on the University of Bonn's online portal Mobility-Online by the application deadline. Due to the portal's requirements, you will have to upload your CV and ToR separately - Please make sure to include them into the SINGLE PDF FILE nevertheless!
Here is a instruction if you need help registering with Mobility-Online
We will ONLY accept complete applications which meet our formal requirements! Please also make sure that your letter of motivation is formatted in a way that is pleasant to read and that it is proofread.
Application FAQ
- 3rd (WS) or 4th semester (SoSe): You can do language II and III in your 3rd year
- 5th (WS) or 6th semester (SoSe): You can do language II and III in your 2nd year and write your BA thesis abroad
- Writing your BA-thesis abroad: It will still be supervised by a mentor from the IAAK. Please discuss all details with your mentor before your departure and stay in contact during your time abroad. Additionally to your BA-thesis, you have to take classes that amount to 20 credits in order to receive the Erasmus funding, so please keep that workload in mind!
- You can still go abroad as an MA student, but it might be more complicated because only some of our partner universities have master programmes and enough courses for you to take. Please have a close look at the module catalogues and contact Dr. Meier if you are unsure if modules can be accredited!
In the last years we were able to offer Erasmus scholarships to the vast majority of applicants. Still, every year it depends on the number of applications. Generally stated, the chances are higher than in most other scholarship programs.
If we liked your application, but it is not possible to assign one of your favorite universities to you, we will try to suggest another option.
We recommend that you concentrate on two or three universities and give reasons what makes them your top choice.
Can I apply for the partner universities of my second/minor subject?
Yes, you can apply for partner universities of either your major or minor subject. Or even both. However, be aware that each department has its own application procedure and deadline and that you cannot mix the partner universities of each department in one application.
In your letter of motivation, please refer to your personal motive to study abroad. Consider your experiences with foreign cultures and languages, your academic and non-academic qualifications and what differentiates you from your fellow students.
Most important is that you can give convincing reason for your university choice. In your letter of motivation you can refer to the following questions: Why do you want to study at the specific university? What will you gain from the study stay? What classes does the partner institution offer that will advance you academically?
Let your application stick out in a creative and professional manner.
Who can write the recommendation letter for me?
Any teacher of your major or minor is accepted except for Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte and Lehrbeauftragte.
I don’t know any teacher personally? Who should I ask?
Please feel free to see one of your teachers during his/her office hour. Tell him about your intention to go abroad and what you expect from your stay. Your teacher will be happy to evaluate your plans and fill the recommendation form for you.
Be aware that you must not see their recommendation remark and that they will either send the recommendation form to us directly or give it to you in a closed envelope!
Some partner universities ask for a language certificate. But you won’t need it before you will be officially accepted for an Erasmus scholarship.
Once you are an official Outgoing, please see section below.
Next steps
Before your departure
- Apply officially at Bonn University’s International Office for your Erasmus study stay (Mobility Online)
- Propose study suspension (Beurlaubung) at the student's office (Dr. Nicole Meier or Dr. Imke Lichterfeld will sign the document for you)
Attention: If you want to write your BA/MA thesis abroad you cannot apply for study suspension! - Self-reliant application at the partner university (You need to read all Erasmus Emails! The closing date of your partner university must not be missed!)
- Please inform yourself about further possible financial support as e.g. "green travel" ((increased travel allowance and, if applicable, daily rate for additional travel days) or equal opportunities/inclusion (additional funding of €250 for certain groups of people). You can find more information on that on here.
After your arrival
If you need to make changes to your Learning Agreement, please contact Dr. Meier, then note down all changes in the second part of your Learning Agreement (+signatures from all parties)
Online Learning Agreement
- All learning agreements are prepared, submitted and signed online (click HERE for instructions).
Annex zum Learning Agreement 2024-25 - In your OLA, you note which courses you want to take, which will facilitate the accreditation of courses after your return. This has to be done before going abroad!
Please get in touch with Dr. Nicole Meier and agree with her on your course choice before you fill in the Online Learning Agreement!
- Dr. Nicole Meier is also responsible of accredition of grades you have acquired abraod.
Outgoings FAQ
Once I have received my Erasmus acceptance, will I be registered at the partner university automatically?
No. It is of major importance that you still register with the partner university! After we choose you for an Erasmus scholarship, we will nominate you and the partner university will then contact you and send you information on how to register. Every university has differing registration deadlines. Please make sure to read the information very carefully and do not miss the deadline!
You have different options depending on the kind of language certificate the partner university asks for:
- For confirmation of B2 language level by the university, please contact Dr. Imke Lichterfeld or Dr. Nicole Meier who will issue a document for you.
- For the B2 DAAD language certificate, please contact Don Lowman or David Moroney to arrange an appointment to take the test.
- You can also of course hand in your TOEFL or IELTS certificate.
Where will I live?
Most partner universities offer student dormitories you can apply for. It is up to you whether you take up the offer or if you prefer to look for an apartment on your own. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Before you decide what’s best for you, find out about the housing market in the respective city.
Office Hour
By agreement
We can either arrange a Zoom meeting or meet in person at the Erasmus office. Please write me an email!

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