Erasmus+ Traineeship
Do you want to do an internship or work placement in another European country? The University of Bonn supports study-related traineeships of 2 to 12 months in over 30 European countries within the framework of Erasmus+.
More information about the programme can be found here.
What is an Erasmus+ traineeship?
An Erasmus+ traineeship is an independently organized internship or work placement that is financially supported by the Erasmus+ programme. You can apply for an internship in a company or institution of your interest anywhere in Europe, regardless of the cities where our partner universities are located. The internship must be related to your studies.
Excluded are EU institutions and institutions that administer EU programmes as well as German embassies. There are alternative funding programmes for these internships - for example, short DAAD scholarships.
In addition to the financial support, the Erasmus+ traineeship will be listed in your final degree certificate.
For more information about the programme, please visit the website of the International Office.
How long should the traineeship be?
Your traineeship abroad can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months. In every cycle of study (Bachelor, Master, PhD), you can spend up to 12 months abroad with Erasmus+. This time can be spent either as a student or as a trainee.
You can also go for a traineeship abroad as a recent graduate. In this case, your traineeship must occur within one year of your graduation and you must apply while still being enrolled in your higher education institution.
How much financial support will I receive?
The amount of money you will receive depends on the country where the internship will take place. You will get more money for countries with higher living costs and receive between 480 and 600 Euro per month.
The mobility grant is paid by the International Office in two instalments, one at the beginning and one at the end of the internship abroad. More information can be found here.
Of course, you can also be paid by your employer or receive BAföG if you are eligible. Please visit the website linked above for more information about funding.
Erasmus+ internships in the UK
Internships in the UK can still be funded even after Brexit if sufficient financial resources are available. However, entry is only possible with a Temporary Worker-Government Authorised Exchange Visa (GAE). As you will need a reference number to apply for the visa (usually from the internship provider), this process can take some time. You should begin the application process for an Erasmus+ scholarship at least 4 months before the start of the internship. Find out more about the temporary worker visa here.
How do I apply?
Once you have arranged your internship, you can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship. The Erasmus team of the IAAK will consider your application and, if successful, refer you to the International Office which is responsible for the funding.
You need to apply for an internship at least three months before your internship begins! This time is needed to ensure your internship being accepted. More information can be found on the following website
Please send your application in a PDF file to Please make sure to apply at least two months before the internship starts (four months if the internship is in the UK!)
If you are studying for a teaching degree: Please submit your application for an Erasmus+ scholarship to the BZL! You can find more information on their website.
Application documents:
- Data Sheet
- Short CV
- Outline of the planned traineeship abroad and your motivation
- Acceptance letter from the receiving institution
- Transcript of Records (see basis “Notenübersicht)
The Department of English, American and Celtic Studies unfortunately does not offer Erasmus+ traineeships for incoming students anymore. If you would like to do an Erasmus+ traineeship at the University of Bonn, please apply at one of the university's other departments.

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