Dr. Klaus Scheunemann
Senior Lecturer
Member of the Staff Council of the Academic Employees at Bonn University
(Mitglied des Personalrats der wissenschaftlich Beschäftigten der Universität Bonn)
Office Hours: E-mail or by appointment
E-mail: ksch@uni-bonn.de
Fields of Research
- Genre Theory
- Postcolonial Studies
- Science Fiction
- Crime Fiction
- Dystopia / Utopia
- Gothic Fiction
- Memory Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Literary Histories
Professional Development
(Module BA English Studies)
What are you supposed to do?
The most simple way:
- Work or do an internship or summer schools to the extent of 180 hours total (summation of different activities possible); no need for a direct connection to English Studies; if in doubt, ask me. Excursions and unpaid charity work are generally not accepted.
- Then register for Professional Development on Basis (new: extended registration phase throughout most of the semester); your Fachsemester doesn't matter.
- After you have been given the status "zugelassen" by Basis, send me (per e-mail) documentation which proves that you actually COMPLETED your activities (certificate by your employer etc.); just a work contract is NOT SUFFICIENT.
- Wait a few days and check your transcript on Basis; if you hear nothing from me, all should be okay and you should see your credits.
Teilnahmeverbuchungen for registrations older than approximately two semesters are no longer possible. So make sure to only register for Professional Development if you can actually hand in your documents in a timely fashion.
2008. Der Blick von außen: Die Darstellung von Englishness und ihre Funktionalisierung in deutschen Geschichten englischer Literatur. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
2010. Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media. Göttingen: V&R unipress. (mit Marion Gymnich und Kathrin Ruhl)
2024. "Humanity and its Others: (Post-Darwinist) Stories of the Origins of Humankind." In: Julia A.B. Hegewald und Marion Gymnich (Hg.): Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 433-451. (mit Marion Gymnich)
2023. “The Empire in Children's Literature: Depictions of India in Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden (1911), Rudyard Kipling’s Kim (1901) and The Jungle Books (1894-95).” In: Anna Kollatz and Tillmann Kulke (Hg.): Narrative Strategies for India in Transition. Berlin: ebv. 265-321.
2017. "The 'Harry Potter Phenomenon': Forms of World Building in the Novels, the Translations, the Film Series and the Fandom." In: Marion Gymnich, Hanne Birk, Denise Burkhard (eds.): "Harry – yer a wizard": Exploring J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Universe. Baden-Baden: Tectum. 11-36. (mit Marion Gymnich).
2012. “Fear in War Films.” In: Marion Gymnich (Hg.). ‘Who’s Afraid of…?’ Facets of Fear in Anglophone Literature and Media. Göttingen: V&R unipress. 181-192.
2010. “The Gendering of Robots and Androids in Films and Series.” In: Marion Gymnich, Kathrin Ruhl und Klaus Scheunemann (Hg.). Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audio-Visual Media. Göttingen: V&R unipress. 181-201. (mit Marion Gymnich)
2010. “(En)Gendering Laughter: The Depiction of Gender in Sitcom.” In: Marion Gymnich, Kathrin Ruhl und Klaus Scheunemann (Hg.). Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media. Göttingen: V&R unipress. 105-135.
2010. “Feeding the Fish: Food and Drink in Naval Stories.” In: Marion Gymnich und Norbert Lennartz (Hg.). The Pleasures and Horrors of Eating. The Cultural History of Eating in Anglophone Literature. Göttingen: V&R unipress. 361-386.
2009. “Lorna Doone, by Richard Blackmore.” In: Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon. München: Kindler.
2007. “Pleasantville: Die Welt in Schwarzweiß.” In: Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht 1.2007: 18-22. (mit Marion Gymnich)
2010. Gymnich, Marion und Norbert Lennartz (Hg.). The Pleasures and Horrors of Eating. The Cultural History of Eating in Anglophone Literature. Göttingen: V&R unipress.
2006. “Peter Erlebach/Bernhard Reitz/Thomas Michael Stein, Geschichte der englischen Literatur; Hans-Peter Wagner, A History of British, Irish and American Literature.” In: AAA 31.1: 84-89.
2016. “Haowhenua“ von Piripi Evans. In: Hanne Birk, Udo Birk, Marion Gymnich (Hg.). Huia Kurzgeschichten 9 Maori Gegenwartsliteratur (Übersetzung von: Huia Short Stories 9 Contemporary Maori Fiction). Wellington: Huia Publishers (in Kooperation mit Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main). (Band in Vorbereitung)
2016. “Wie auf Eierschalen“ von Ann French. In: Hanne Birk, Udo Birk, Marion Gymnich (Hg.). Huia Kurzgeschichten 9 Maori Gegenwartsliteratur (Übersetzung von: Huia Short Stories 9 Contemporary Maori Fiction). Wellington: Huia Publishers (in Kooperation mit Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main). (Band in Vorbereitung)
2012. “Marion Gymnich and Norbert Lennartz (eds.). The Pleasures and Horrors of Eating. The Cultural History of Eating in Anglophone Literature.“ In: EASG (English and American Studies in German - A Supplement to Anglia. Summaries of Theses and Monographs), Band 1, Heft 1 (Dez. 2012). Berlin: de Gruyter. 33-36.
2012. “Marion Gymnich, Kathrin Ruhl and Klaus Scheunemann (eds.). Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media.“ In: EASG (English and American Studies in German - A Supplement to Anglia. Summaries of Theses and Monographs), Band 1, Heft 1 (Dez. 2012). Berlin: de Gruyter. 29-31.