B.A. English Studies
English is a global language and the gateway to politics, business and culture worldwide. In our programme, you will be exploring the language, literatures, and cultures of the English-speaking world past and present. The course focuses on Great Britain, North America, and the postcolonial world.
The “English Studies” programme focuses on linguistics as well as literary and cultural studies of the anglophone countries. The degree provides a sound overview of both older and modern anglophone literatures and cultures, as well as current topics in structural and applied linguistics. Historically, the English language gradually spread from the British Isles to North America and later to large parts of the world. In today's globalized world, it is the lingua franca in politics, business, and culture.
The degree is interdisciplinary: our studies of language, literature, and culture include historical, philosophical, political, and media studies issues. Thus students gain a comprehensive insight into current issues and research foci. We provide modules with regional concentrations, including the postcolonial world. In addition to the academic courses, the degree program offers in-depth practical language modules.
From the second year onwards, you can choose individual specialisations through advanced and intensive modules. Students can specialise in English linguistics and communication, North American studies, or British and postcolonial literary and cultural studies.
“English Studies” must be combined with another subject: there are three possible configurations for the subject "English Studies." These are Major (Kernfach), Double Major (Zwei-Fach), or Minor (Begleitfach). All classes are taught in English.

- https://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/en/studying/prospective-students/ba-english-studies-1/ba-major
- https://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/en/studying/prospective-students/ba-english-studies-1/ba-double-major
- https://www.iaak.uni-bonn.de/en/studying/prospective-students/ba-english-studies-1/ba-minor