Universität Bonn

Department of English, American and Celtic Studies

Prospective Students

First Things First

Application (dt. "Bewerbung") refers to the process of you deciding which degree programmes you would like to study and sending the university all required files.

All applications are online. You can find more information on the university's main website.

The BA programmes begin only in winter, so you must apply for the upcoming winter term. Classes will begin in early October.

Please note that there are deadlines. You can find all important dates and deadlines here.


Once you received your offer of acceptance (dt. "Zulassungsangebot"), it's time to enroll (dt. Einschreibung"). During enrollment, you will receive all important documents relating to your studies -- your student ID, certificates stating you are a student, etc.

Please see the university's enrollment guide for more information.

Once you have enrolled, it's time to prepare for your studies. We strongly recommend you come to the information events offered every year, as you will receive all information necessary to have a smooth and stress-free start to your studies. You can also ask any questions you may have.

In order to make your first weeks at university as smooth as possible, please refer to our First Steps Guide For New Students.

Please see the university's website for more information.

 If you are interested in studying at our department, please see the information below and have a look at the contact websites for further information.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© pexels.com


After receiving your BA, you can continue your academic education – for example with one of our three Master’s programs – or embark on your professional life. A unique combination of subject-related and additional qualifications ensure that our graduates are highly sought after by employers. Our graduates are experts in the language and cultures that are shaping globalization. They are critical readers and accomplished writers with impressive skills in argumentation. Their proficiency in written and spoken English is outstanding. Jobs and internships have helped shape the direction of their careers.

Our B.A. and M.A. graduates work in the media, in public relations for companies and institutions, in publishing, for theatres, museums, libraries, at Goethe Institutes, in education, politics, and, of course, in academia.

- Language Teaching

- Theatres, Operas, Museums

- Journalism / Media (broadcasting stations, radio, TV, newspapers)

- Communication (PR, Translations,

- Business (Advertisement, Marketing, Tourism)

- Publishing Houses, Libraries, Bookshops

- International Organisations (NGOs, UN, GIZ,)

- Academic Institutions (DAAD, DFG, Research, Administration)

- Teaching (Academia / Schools)

The IAAK regularly hosts an event, the "Forum Beruf," in which alumni of the single study programs present their professional careers, offering current students an insight into the vast possibilities the degree programs of the department open up.

Additionally, the Career Service of the University of Bonn provides a range of advice and support about choosing your career and applying for jobs, whether that may be applying for internships, looking for a part-time job, or even your first job after graduating.


Bonn is a picturesque city on the Rhine. Numerous international organisations have offices in Bonn, such as the United Nations and the Fairtrade Labelling Organization. Several German government agencies are located here, along with the headquarters of the Deutsche Post and Deutsche Telekom. Bonn is part of a region vibrant with media and culture including the TV networks RTL and WDR, the radio stations Deutsche Welle and Deutschlandfunk. Bonn is home to several museums and theatres of national renown, as well as several music and arts festivals. It is an ideal place to study, to live, and to start your career. There is always something going on in this small city on the Rhine!

Uni oben
© VOLKER LANNERT / Universität Bonn


Coordination English


Rabinstr 8

Nicole Meier


Rabinstr. 8

53111 Bonn

Imke Lichterfeld


Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

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