Mental Health & Support
We are here to help you with whatever issues or problems you might encounter with regards to your health. There are many resources available to you. We will listen to you, respect varied lived experiences, and guide you the best we can.
Who to ask
The lecturers of trust
For the Department of English, American and Celtic Studies, Hanna Bruns and Don Lowman work outside of official university organisations (e.g. studies coordination, academic coordinator, examination office etc.). For the Celtic section of the Department, Irene Balles does the same. They support students confidentially, discreetly, and on equal terms. Their offices are a safe space for students of marginalised identities. Aside from matters related to university, such as questioning or doubting one’s course of studies, the lecturers of trust support and advise students on private matters that interfere with or impede their studies, stress, or any issues and concerns within the department and/or the university. These are, for example, mental health or issues with time management.
Please note that the lecturers of trust do not offer therapy. However, they can alert students to further professional counselling services.
For more information on individual office hours, please go to the personal websites of the lecturers of trust.
Study issues
You can always contact and get a personal appointment with either the studies coordinator Dr. Imke Lichterfeld or the custodian Dr. Nicole Meier.
You will get help structuring your studies, registering for courses and exams, and other practical study advice. Additionally, they can offer further information about psychological help within the university.
Offers and Services provided by the University
Students whose diabilities, chronic illnesses, or mental illnesses disadvantage them in or prevent them from taking an exam in the manner required by the exam regulations may receive a so-called “Nachteilsausgleich” (compensation of disadvantages/impairments). This is a letter that certifies your impairment and can – if needed – provide you with adequate compensations.