Universität Bonn

Department of English, American and Celtic Studies

Teaching Degree English Studies

Studying English in a teaching degree programme (dt.: "Lehramt") prepares students to later become English language teachers. The programme comprises a total of 11 modules plus a BA thesis, equalling 78 CP. You will also have to spend a term abroad.

On this page, you will find more information on English Studies for a teaching degree, including module guides, exam regulations, examples and recommendations of your course of studies, and more.

If you are new to the University of Bonn and/or the IAAK, we have a First Steps Guide For New Students that is designed to make your first weeks at our department as smooth as possible. You can find this guide, and other helpful files, in our Downloads section1.

For more comprehensive information on teaching degree programmes in general, please see the BZL website2.

A perso  looking sonething up in a handbook.
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Module Guide

This guide contains general overviews of the modules offered in the teaching degree English. For contents of specific courses, please see Basis.

A stock image of a law book: An open book with a large red paragraph character in the crease.
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Exam Regulations

The exam regulations are the 'law books' of the faculty. It is an important document you should consult when you're in doubt.

A fork in a forest path. There is an empty sign next to it.
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As long as it is congruent with exam regulations, you can choose whatever courses you wish.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
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Professional Development

The Professional Development module is a mandatory internship that you can do at any point during your studies. It is aimed to provide you an insight into and idea of the working world.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
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Going Abroad

It is mandatory for teaching degree students to spend at least one term studying abroad.

© Universität Bonn

Überfachlicher Praxisbereich

The Überfachliche Praxisbereich aims to broaden your horizons by letting you participate in select courses outside your own department. The ÜBP comprises of workshops, lecture series, language courses, and more!

A group of people discussung a book together.
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Extracurricular activities

Aside from seminars and lectures, the University of Bonn in general and the IAAK in specific offer a wide varity of clubs, activities, and other events that are always worth checking out! From sports and theatre to student-led clubs, there is probably something here for everyone!


Imke Lichterfeld


Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Silke Meyer


Rabinstr. 8

53111 Bonn

Coordination English


Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

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