
Bonn Applied English Linguistics
Chair: Prof. Dr. Robert Fuchs
At BAEL, we focus on language use in social contexts and the underlying cognitive processes involved. We work with naturally occurring text and talk as well as with experimental data. Furthermore, we believe that students must be involved in this work and empowered to do research right from the start.

Linguistics of English and Translaton Studies
Chair: Prof. Dr. Svenja Kranich
The aim of English linguistics is to advance our understanding of how the English language works. We analyse the underlying system and subsystems (e.g. lexicon, syntax) of the language and how speakers use the resources the language system offers in actual discourse. More specific topics focused on include language variation and change, English-German contrasts, and language acquisition. In research and teaching, we use an array of methods (e.g. psycholinguistic experiments) and resources (e.g. corpora).

Celtic Studies
Chair: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Elena Parina
The section for Celtic Studies offers the opportunity to study all of the living Celtic languages. Furthermore it is possible to acquire a knowledge of the extinct continental Celtic languages as well as of the medieval variants of Irish and Welsh. Besides, the various cultural and historical aspects of the Celtic speaking areas belong to the content of teaching of Celtic Studies in Bonn.

English Literatures and Cultures
Chairs: Prof. Dr. Marion Gymnich, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Magdalena Pfalzgraf
It is our goal to provide our students with a broad knowledge of modern anglophone literatures and cultures, giving them the opportunity to explore their research interests in the various fields that our section covers. In research and teaching we focus on areas as diverse as English literature from the 16th century to the present, film and television studies, as well as postcolonial studies – always in accord with current issues in the study of English literatures and cultures.

North American Studies
Chairs: Prof. Dr. Sabine N. Meyer & Prof. Dr. Sabine Sielke
The North American Studies Program is dedicated to the innovative transdisciplinary study of the United States and Canada from their colonial beginnings to the era of postmodernist cultural practices. Putting a strong focus on theory and methods of North American Studies, we cooperate with a range of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, law, and the sciences, and work with transdisciplinary, transatlantic, comparative and intercultural perspectives.

Medieval Studies
Chair: Prof. Dr. Irina Dumitrescu
In teaching and research the Medieval Studies section focuses on various aspects of language, literature and culture in England and in Britain during the Middle Ages. Our classes provide students with the necessary skills and background knowledge to read and translate Old and Middle English texts, to understand the role of the Middle Ages in early modern and modern literatures, cultures and languages, and to develop their own research interests in the medieval period.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Fachdidaktik)
The section of Teaching English as a Foreign Language provides students with courses preparing them for the broad spectrum of teaching professions, particularly the teaching of (foreign) languages and teaching (anglophone) literatures and cultures as well as working with a diversity of media.
In addition to our Sections, our institute is home to the following teaching units:
Language Practice
Language Skills & Writing Skills Classes
Regional Studies
Regional Studies North America & Regional Studies Britain/Ireland