Nadya Izzaamiouine
Lecturer & Researcher
Office Hours
Tuesdays: 2-3pm (via zoom or in person)
Please register via eCampus/email. Different times can be agreed upon via email.
Dissertation Project: "Intercultural communication competence in foreign language teaching and learning: A comparison of the situation in Morocco and Germany tertiary education." [working title]
In my dissertation project I am going to investigate if intercultural communication (IC) is taught in Moroccan / German universities (especially in the English language department) just as a subject or as a competence from an academic way of learning foreign language perspective. The main purpose of this research is to test the level of ICC of FLSH of Meknes and Bonn university students and to make a comparison between students who are affiliated in intercultural clubs and those who are not. Also, the study will identify teaching styles of EFL teachers at the different universities and how they affect students’ performance. Moreover, this study will also elicit ways to develop ICC in higher education from the respondents.
My research interests include:
· Communication and Culture
· Intercultural Communication
· Discourse Analysis
· Business Communication
· Language, People and Identity
· Business Administration
· Language and Leadership
· Pragmatic Competence
Nadya Izzaamiouine
Room 2.060
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Curriculum Vitae
Since Summer 2020: "Business English" and "Intercultural Communication" at Bonn University
August-September 2018: TEFL in BSC. Oxford UK
2016-2017: Business English. College of social sciences. Jazan University, KSA
2015-2016: Seminar "Management". College of Business Administration. Jazan University, KSA
2014-2015: Seminar "Business Communication". School of Arts and Humanities. Meknes, Morocco
2013-2015: Seminar "Business English". ENIM (Engineering school) Rabat, Morocco
Since 2022:
Research assistant, Chair of Linguistics of English and Translation Studies. University of Bonn, Germany
June 2015 - August 2018:
Lecturer, College of Business Administration, Jazan University. KSA
2014 - 2015:
Assistant Teacher at English Department, University Moulay Ismail Meknes //
2013 - 2015:
Coach Trainer of Business Communication, The engineering school ENIM, Privilege Center, ENSIT School (Higher education) and Khalil Gibran School. Rabat
December 2013 - May 2014:
Studies Abroad Manager, ILCS (Institute of Leadership and Communication Studies). Rabat
August 2013:
Training, Regional Center of Investment – Agadir
July 2013:
Training at Communication Departement, Moulay Ismail University - Meknes.
April - June 2013:
Training, the company Mekprefat (BELMEKI hodling). Meknes
July 2012:
Training, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services. Meknes
2011 - 2012:
Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, AALIM Language Center. Meknes.
Since January 2008:
English Teacher, A.P.E.C.A.S school, Meknes / QUALICOURS center, Meknes / GLC (Global Langage Centre), Meknes / Groupe MOYEN ATLAS, Meknes.
Since 2019:
PhD student, Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Sprachwissenschaft, University of Bonn, Germany
2018 (Aug 28 - Sep 21)
CELTA training in BSC Oxford. Oxford, UK
2011 - 2013:
M.A. degree in “Business Communication”. Moulay Ismail University, School of Arts and Humanities. Meknes, Morocco
2010 - 2011:
B.A. degree in English studies. Moulay Ismail University, School of Arts and Humanities, Meknes, Morocco
2006 - 2007:
Baccalaureate certificate (English option). Abou Lkacem Zayani. Khenifra //2006-2007
IAICS: International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies
LACUS: The Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States
LAGB: The Linguistics Association of Great Britain and North Ireland
Izzaamiouine, N. (2022). Learning and Developing Intercultural Communication Competence in Higher Education: Germany and Morocco as a Case. Intercultural Communication Studies (ICS), 31(2), 44-56.
“Learning and Acquiring Intercultural communicative Competence and its Relationship with English as a Foreign Language”. (LAGB23) The Linguistics Association of Great Britain and North Ireland´s Annual Conference. Anglia Ruskin University. Cambridge, United Kingdom. August 29 - September 01 2023.
“The Effect of Teaching Intercultural Communication on Pragmatic Strategies in TEFL”. Talk presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Canada and the United States (LACUS 2023), Toledo University, Toledo, Ohio, USA, 05 – 07 July 2023.
“Pragmatic Competence in Intercultural Interactions”. Talk presented at the conference “What words don´t say: Intercultural, cross-cultural and societal aspects of (in)direct communication”, University of Calabria, Rende (Cosenza), Italy, 2 – 4 February 2023.
“How can I be a competent intercultural female communicator?”. Workshop for International Female Doctoral Students presented at the International Office, University of Bonn, Germany, 25 November 2022.
“Intercultural Communication Competence: Teachers´ perception, problems and Solutions at the tertiary Level”. Talk presented at the 6th International Conference of Applied Linguistics “Languages and People: Problems and Solutions”, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 29 – 30 September 2022.
“Relationship between Intercultural Communicative Competence and L2 Learning environment”. Talk presented at the 27th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 27 June – 01 July 2022 (hybrid conference).
“Intercultural Communication Competence Learning: A Comparison of the situation in Morocco and Germany”. Talk presented at the 11th Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference (BAELc11), University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 24 – 25 June 2022.
“Conducting Empirical research on Communication: Problems and Solutions”. Talk presented at the 71st Student Conference of Linguistics (StuTS) and 31st Student Conference of Computational Linguistics (TaCoS), University of Groningen, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 26 – 28 May 2022.
“The Development of Intercultural Communication Competence at the Tertiary Level: Reflection and Implication”. Talk presented at the UCLA EPIC-Lang Conference “Building Sustainable Modern Language Programs: The Next Generation of Transformative Language Courses”, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 20 – 21 May 2022.
“Intercultural Communication Competence Assessment: Students’ self-evaluation”. Talk presented at the 10th Symposium for Linguistics Doctoral Studies, Casablanca, Morocco, 11 – 12 May 2022.
“Intercultural Communication Competence in Foreign Language Teaching and learning: Evaluation and Reflection”. Talk presented at the 1st SCALEC international conference “The Teaching/Learning of Language Skills at the Tertiary Level: Reflection, Evaluation and Innovation”, Meknes, Morocco, 11 – 12 May 2022.
“Developing Intercultural Business Communication: Time for a new shift”. Talk presented at the 10th International Research Conference “Topical Issues of Linguistics and Teaching Methods in Business and Professional Communication”, Moscow, Russia, 22 – 23 April 2022 (hybrid conference).
“Intercultural Communicative Competence in FL learning and teaching in Tertiary Education: Student’s Perception in Germany and Morocco”. Talk presented at the 19th Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende (STaPs), Salzburg, Austria, 25 – 26 March 2022 (online conference).
“Problems and Solutions in EFL Learning in Moroccan Universities”. Talk presented at the 18th Sprachwissenschaftlichen Tagung für Promotionsstudierende (STaPs), Salzburg, Austria, 24 – 25 March 2021 (online conference).
“How to Assesses Students ‘Intercultural Communicative Competence during the Pandemic?”. Talk presented at the 17th Sprachwissenschaftlichen Tagung für Promotionsstudierende (STaPs), Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 23 – 24 March 2021 (online conference).
“The Glitter of the Doctoral Program in my Research Journey”. Talk presented at the Webinar series by “Language, Culture and Society” doctoral program, FLSH-UM5 Rabat, Morocco, 21 July 2020 (online webinar).