Prof. Dr. Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp

© Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp
Office hours (room 2.013):
Office hours during the winter term 2023/2024:
Tuesday 2-3 pm
Research Interests
- New English Literatures and Cultures (esp. Australian, Indian, South African)
- Postcolonial Studies, theories
- Cultural History of Eighteenth-Century Britain, European Enlightenment, cultural transfer
- Colonial and contemporary British literatures and cultures, ethnic minority cultures
- Precarity Studies
Curriculum Vitae
Studies of English, German and Sports at the universities of Münster and Ghent/Belgium
1980-1981 Assistant teacher in Stirling, Scotland
1984 State exam, University of Münster
1989 Dr. phil. (PhD), University of Münster
1999 Habilitation (postdoctoral degree), University of Münster
1985-1989 Research assistant, University of Münster
1989-1996 Assistant Professor, University of Münster
1996-1998 Scholarship (German Research Council)
1999-2000 Stand-in Professor of British Cultural Studies, University of Leipzig
2000-2001 Stand-in Professor of British and New English Literatures, University of Leipzig
2001-2004 Stand-in Professor of English, University of Münster
since 2004 Full Professor of English, University of Bonn
since 2014 Member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Science, Humanities and the Arts

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Research Training School "Gegenwart/Literatur: Theorie, Geschichte und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses" (
North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Science, Humanities and the Arts(member of the "Wissenschaftliche Kommission" 2017-)
Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS)
Association for Australian Studies (Link: GASt) (board member 2013-2017, member of the Academic Advisory Council 2017-)
European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA)
Challenging Precarity - A Global Network (; member of the steering committee 2021-)
Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BGECS)
Centre for Advanced Studies in India (CASII, member of the Academic Council)
Deutscher Anglistenverband
Deutscher Hochschulverband
Ehrenpreis Center for Swift Studies
German Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (DGEJ) (board member 2004-2008)
- 2000. Die Kunst der Kritik: Zum Zusammenhang von Ethik und Ästhetik bei Shaftesbury. München: Wilhelm Fink.
- 1990. Die verordnete Kultur: Stereotypien der australischen Literaturkritik. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang.
- 2022. Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World. Leiden and Boston: Brill (with Marion Gymnich and Klaus P. Schneider).
- 2021. Representing Poverty in the Anglophone Postcolonial World.
- Göttingen: V&R unipress/Bonn University Press (with Verena Jain-Warden).
- 2019. Selected Papers from the 2018 Conference of the German Association for the Study of English / Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 30.2. (with Marion Gymnich & Klaus P. Schneider; in collaboration with Roman Bartosch, Wolfgang Funk, Marcus Hartner, Julia Hoydis, Irmtraud Huber, Nataie Roxburgh & Cornelia Wächter).
- 2017. "And there'll be NO dancing": Perspectives on Policies Impacting Indigenous Australia since 2007. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars (with Elisabeth Baehr).
- 2017. "Section IV: Cosmopolitan/Global/Planetary Fictions: On the Uses and Abuses of Comparative Approaches". Anglistentag 2017, Hamburg: Proceedings., eds Ute Berns and Jolene Mathieson. Trier: WVT. S. 211-282. (with Jana Gohrisch, subeditors).
- 2015. (with Birgit Neumann) Emotionen, Wissen und Aufklärung: Gefühlskulturen im Großbritannien des 18. Jahrhunderts/Emotions, Knowledge and Enlightenment: Cultures of Emotion in 18th-Century Britain, Special Issue Das 18. Jahrhundert 39, 2 (2015).
- 2014. (with Susanne Schmid) Drink in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. London: Pickering & Chatto.
- 2011. Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert / Europe and Turkey in the 18th Century. Göttingen: V&R unipress/Bonn University Press.
- 2006. (with Devindra Kohli) Contemporary Indian Short Stories. Ditzingen: Reclam.
- 2006. "Section I: Violence and War in Anglophone Cultures." Anglistentag 2005, Bamberg: Proceedings. Eds. Christoph Houswitschka, Gabriele Knappe and Anja Müller. Trier: WVT. 1-115.
- 2003. (with Uwe Steiner and Brunhilde Wehinger). Europäischer Kulturtransfer im 18. Jahrhundert: Literaturen in Europa - Europäische Literatur? Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.
- Representations & Reflections: Studies in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. With Uwe Baumann and Marion Gymnich, eds. Göttingen, 2009-.
- KOALAS, Book Series of the German Association for Australian Studies. With Boris Braun, Cylie Crane & Gerhard Stilz. Trier: WVT 2011-.
- 2022. "Imagining the Lives of Others: Ethics and Aesthetics of Representing Precarity in Neel Mukherjee's A State of Freedom". Representations of Precarity in South Asian Literature in English, ed. Om Prakash Dwivedi. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 215-239.
- 2022. „Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World: An Introduction“. Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World, ed. Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, Marion Gymnich and Klaus P. Schneider. Leiden and Boston: Brill. S. 1-18 (with Marion Gymnich).
- 2021. "Introduction". Representing Poverty in the Anglophone Postcolonial World, ed. Verena Jain-Warden and Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp. Göttingen: V&R unipress/Bonn University Press, 7-24.
- 2020. "Aktuelle Projekte im Akademienprogramm an nordrhein-westfälischen Universitäten. 50 Jahre akademisches Gespräch: Festschrift für die Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste", eds Wolfgang Löwer und Christiane Dusch. Paderborn: Brill/Schöningh, 271-288.
- 2019. "Narration". The Bonn Handbook of Globality, eds. Ludger Kühnhardt and Tilman Mayer. Wiesbaden: Springer, vol 2, 925-934.
- 2017. "Introduction". "And there'll be NO dancing": Perspectives on Policies Impacting Indigenous Australia since 2007, eds. Elisabeth Baehr and Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars S. 1-12 (with Elisabeth Baehr).
- 2017. "Cosmopolitan/Global/Planetary Fictions: On the Uses and Abuses of Comparative Approaches". Anglistentag 2017, Hamburg: Proceedings., eds Ute Berns and Jolene Mathieson. Trier: WVT. S. 211-217 (with Jana Gohrisch).
- 2017. "Narration". Bonner Enzyklopädie der Globalität, eds Ludger Kühnhardt und Tilman Mayer. Wiesbaden: Springer.Bd. 2, S. 985-995.
- 2015. (with Birgit Neumann) "Einleitung”. Emotionen, Wissen und Aufklärung: Gefühlskulturen im Großbritannien des 18. Jahrhunderts/Emotions, Knowledge and Enlightenment: Cultures of Emotion in 18th-Century Britain, Special Issue Das 18. Jahrhundert 39, 2 (2015), 139-149.
- 2015. "Einleitung: Repräsentation fremder Dinge: Diskursivierung von Präsenz und Evidenz". Präsenz und Evidenz fremder Dinge im Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts, ed. Birgit Neumann. Göttingen: Wallstein. S. 373-376.
- 2014. "Formen und Funktionen von Orient-Bezügen in der britischen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts". Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert 38.1: 29-44.
- 2014. (with Susanne Schmid). "Introduction", Drink in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, eds Susanne Schmid and Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp. London: Pickering & Chatto. S. 1-9, 181-82.
- 2013. "Patriotism and its Discontents in Eighteenth-Century Nautical Plays". "The First Wit of the Age": Essays on Swift and his Contemporaries in Honour of Hermann J. Real, eds. Kirsten Juhas, Patrick Müller and Mascha Hansen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013. 351-362.
- 2011. "Einleitung: Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert – Grenzüberschreitungen in kosmopolitischer Zeit". Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert / Europe and Turkey in the 18th Century, ed. Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp. Göttingen: V&R unipress/Bonn University Press. 9-24.
- 2010. "Globalität: Die Perspektive der Postcolonial Studies". Die Gestaltung der Globalität: Wirkungen der Globalität auf ausgewählte Fächer der Philosophischen Fakultät, eds Ludger Kühnhardt und Tilman Mayer. Bonn: ZEI/Universität Bonn. 15-23.
- 2010. "Australia, England, France, and Italy: Travels in Cultural History in Martin Boyd's Lucinda Brayford". Anglistentag 2009, Klagenfurt: Proceedings, eds Jörg Helbig und René Schalleger. Trier: WVT. 339-50.
- 2010. "’Go to the poets’: die Kunst des Selbstgesprächs bei Shaftesbury". Jahrbuch "Aufklärung" 22: Shaftesbury, eds Rainer Godel und Insa Kringler. Hamburg: Felix Meiner. 17-40.
- 2008. "Buchi Emecheta, The New Tribe (2000)." Teaching Contemporary Literature and Culture: Novels, Part I. Eds. Susanne Peters, Klaus Stierstorfer und Laurenz Volkmann. Trier: WVT. 191-206.
- 2007. "Probing Postcolonial Transformation: Zakes Mda's The Heart of Redness." Postcolonial (Dis)Affections. Eds. Walter Göbel und Saskia Schabio. Trier: WVT. 111-123.
- 2006. "Violence and War in Anglophone Cultures: Introduction." Anglistentag 2005, Bamberg: Proceedings. Eds. Christoph Houswitschka, Gabriele Knappe and Anja Müller. Trier: WVT. 3-6.
- 2006. (With Devindra Kohli) "Einleitung," "Zeittafel," "Zu den Autorinnen und Autoren." Contemporary Indian Short Stories. Eds. Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp and Devindra Kohli. Ditzingen: Reclam. 5-17, 187-191, 196-220.
- 2006. "Bis dass der Tod sie scheidet." Production programme of Martin Crimp, Sanft und Grausam. Ed. Theater Bonn. 4-7.
- 2005. "Rhetorizität: Moderne und Postmoderne ab 1970." Rhetorik: Begriff - Geschichte - Internationalität. Ed. Gert Ueding. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 327-329.
- 2005. "'Deviating from the Known and Common Way': Women's Poetic Self-Representations in the Early Eighteenth Century." Perennial Satirist: Essays in Honour of Bernfried Nugel. Eds. Peter Firchow and Hermann J. Real. Münster: Lit. 67-82.
- 2005. "The Writing-Back Paradigm Revisited: Peter Carey, Jack Maggs, and Charles Dickens, Great Expectations". Fabulating Beauty: Perspectives on the Fiction of Peter Carey. Ed. Andreas Gaile. Amsterdam und New York, NY: Rodopi. 245-262.
- 2005. "Die viktorianische Kurzgeschichte bis 1880." Geschichte der englischen Kurzgeschichte. Eds. Arno Löffler und Eberhard Späth. Tübingen: Francke. 44-63.
- 2004. "Cross-Cultural Experience and Existence in Yasmine Gooneratne's Novel A Change of Skies.". Towards a Transcultural Future: Literature and Society in a 'Post'-Colonial World. Eds. Geoffrey V. Davis, Peter H. Marsden, Bénédict Ledent, and Marc Delrez. Amsterdam und New York, NY: Rodopi. 215-229.
- 2004. "'I don't think it is very nice to make fun of somebody else's culture': Interkulturelles Lernen in Zadie Smiths Roman White Teeth." Wir und das Fremde: Nell-Breuning-Symposium Rödermark, Oktober 2002. Eds. Philipp Wolf und Stefanie Rück. Münster: Lit. 159-176.
- 2003. (with Uwe Steiner and Brunhilde Wehinger) Einleitung. Europäischer Kulturtransfer im 18. Jahrhundert: Literaturen in Europa - Europäische Literatur? Eds. Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp, Uwe Steiner und Brunhilde Wehinger. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. 7-12.
- 2002. "Shaftesbury's Concept of Ridicule as an Antecedent to Scriblerian Satire." Swift Studies 17: 125-134.
- 2001. "Salman Rushdie und The Wizard of Oz." Inklings-Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik, Bd. 19: Fremde Welten in Texten und Bildern. Ed. Dieter Petzold. Moers: Brendow. 88-108.
- 2000. "Die Macht der Beschreibung: Salman Rushdies Haroun and the Sea of Stories." Poetica 32.3-4: 527-544.
- 2000. "The Appropriation of the Third Space: Considerations upon the Mediating Function of Migrant Writers." Anglistentag 1999, Mainz: Proceedings. Eds. Bernhard Reitz und Sigrid Rieuwerts. Trier: WVT. 301-311.
- 2000. "Variations of Contemporary Australian Poetry: 'Country Poetry' and 'Town Poetry'." Writing in Australia: Perceptions of Australian Literature in its Historical and Cultural Context. Eds. Gerd Dose und Bettina Keil. Hamburg: Lit. 183-207
- 2000. "Europareisen im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert: die Grand Tour." Der Traum Europas: Kultur und Sozialität als Aufgabe. Ein interdisziplinäres Symposion. Eds. Harald Schwaetzer und Henrieke Stahl-Schwaetzer. Regensburg: Roderer. 151-165.
- 1999/2000. "Performing Gender and Genre in Miles Franklin's My Career Goes Bung." Connotations 9.3: 289-295.
- 1999. "Menschensinn ist Kunstsinn: Shaftesbury." Aisthesis. Die Wahrnehmung des Menschen: Gottessinn - Menschensinn - Kunstsinn. Ein interdisziplinäres Symposion. Eds. Harald Schwaetzer und Henrieke Stahl-Schwaetzer. Regensburg: Roderer. 83-91.
- 1999. "Einsame vs. gesellige Vernunft: Anmerkungen zu Gideon Spickers Shaftesbury-Studie." "Kampf zweier Weltanschauungen": Metaphysik zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Religion im Werk Gideon Spickers. Eds. Ulrich Hoyer und Harald Schwaetzer. Hildesheim, New York und Zürich: Olms. 45-62.
- 1998. "Das Neue Achtzehnte Jahrhundert - ein Forschungsbericht." Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert 22.2: 195-206.
- 1995. "New Historicism - Literaturwissenschaft im Spiegelkabinett der Texte." Am Ende der Literaturtheorie? Neun Beiträge zur Einführung und Diskussion. Eds. Torsten Hitz und Angela Stock. Münster: Lit. 115-130.
- 1992. "Genius loci in Australia: An Anti-Pluralist Stereotype of Australian Literary Criticism." The Making of a Pluralist Australia 1950-1990. Selected Papers from the Inaugural EASA Conference 1991. Eds. Werner Senn und Giovanna Capone. Bern: Peter Lang. 39-48.
- 1992. "Wider den Pauschaltourismus der Literatur: Peter Careys australisches Panoptikum Illywhacker." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 17.1. 71-82.
- 2009. "Rolf Boldrewood, Biogramm." "Rolf Boldrewood, Robbery Under Arms." "Martin Boyd, Biogramm." "Martin Boyd, Lucinda Brayford." "Miles Franklin, Up the Country." "Joseph Furphy, Biogramm." "Joseph Furphy, Such is Life." "Ray Lawler, Biogramm." "Ray Lawler, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll." "Henry Lawson, Biogramm." "Henry Lawson, While the Billy Boils." "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Biogramm." "Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, The Turkish Embassy Letters." "Alan Seymour, Biogramm." "Alan Seymour, The One Day of the Year." James Tucker, Biogramm." "James Tucker, Ralph Rashleigh." Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. 3rd ed. Stuttgart: Metzler.
- 2007. "Rhetorizität: Moderne und Postmoderne ab 1970." Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik. Ed. Gert Ueding. Vol. 8. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 219-221.
- 2021. “Anne Brewster and Sue Kossew: Rethinking the victim: Gender and violence in contemporary Australian women’s writing”, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 7 December. DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2021.2008635
- 2014. "Ina Kerner. Postkoloniale Theorien zur Einführung. Hamburg: Junius, 2012". Anglia 132.1. 189-192.
- 2011. "Maria Eisenmann, Nancy Grimm and Laurenz Volkmann (eds). Teaching the New English Cultures and Literatures. Anglistische Forschungen 404. Heidelberg: Winter, 2010.", Anglia 129.3-4. 588-591.
- 2011."Andreas Gaile, Rewriting History: Peter Carey's Fictional Biography of Australia, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2010", Zeitschrift für Australienstudien. 25. 140-145.
- 2008. "Kirsten Shepherd-Barr. Science on Stage: From Doctor Faustus to Copenhagen. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton UP, 2006." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. 56.1. 86-87.
- 2008. "Thomas Rommel. Das Selbstinteresse von Mandeville bis Smith: Ökonomisches Denken in ausgewählten Schriften des 18. Jahrhunderts. Heidelberg: Winter, 2006."Anglia 126.1. 157-160.
- 2008. "Violence and Transgression in World Minority Literatures. Ed. Rüdiger Ahrens, María Herrera-Sobek, Karin Ikas und Francisco A. Lomelí. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005." Anglia 126.1. 194-197.
- 2006. "Ethnizität und Geschlecht: (Post-)Koloniale Verhandlungen in Geschichte, Kunst und Medien. Hrsg. Graduiertenkolleg 'Identität und Differenz.' Köln: Böhlau, 2005." H-SOZ-u-KULT. 13.11.2006. 13.08.2009 <>.
- 2005. "Alessa Johns. Women's Utopias of the Eighteenth Century. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2003", Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert. 29.2. 263-265.
- 2005. "Heike Hartung. Die dezentrale Geschichte: Historisches Erzählen und literarische Geschichte(n) bei Peter Ackroyd, Graham Swift und Salman Rushdie. Trier: WVT, 2002." Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 46. 457-460.
- 2003. "Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. Standard Edition. Bd. I, 5: Second Characters / Schriften zur Kunst. Eds. and trans. Wolfram Benda, Wolfgang Lottes, Friedrich A. Uehlein and Erwin Wolff. Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 2001." Anglia 121.3. 489-491.
- 2003. "Disrupted Patterns: On Chaos and Order in the Enlightenment. Ed. Theodore E.D. Braun, John McCarthy. Amsterdam/Atlanta GA: Rodopi, 2000." Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert 27.2. 272-274.
- 2002. "Richard Nate. Wissenschaft und Literatur im England der frühen Neuzeit. München: Fink, 2001." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 50.2. 198-199.
- 1997. "Von unsicheren Männern und gezähmten Frauen: Neue Studien zur Geschlechterdifferenz." Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft: Jahrbuch 1997. Ed. Wolfgang Weiss. Bochum: Kamp. 289-294.
- 1994. "Prüfung der neuen Standard Edition von Shaftesburys Werken." Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert 18.2. 159-167.
Winter 2022/2023
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Gothic: Tales of Darkness, Desire and Power from Graveyard Poetry to Kipling's Indian Short Stories
- M.A. Seminar Narrating Flight, Refugeeism and Asylum
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. Übung 19th-Century Australian Gothic
- B.A. Colloquium
Summer 2022
- M.A. Seminar Irish Literature and Culture
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Colloquium
Winter 2021
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar "Rule Britannia": The Postcolonial Eighteenth Century
- M.A. Seminar Afrofuturism
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. Colloquium
Summer 2021
- M.A. Seminar Irish Literature and Culture
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Seminar The Empire Bites Back: Postcolonial Gothic
- B.A. Übung Afrofuturism
- B.A. Colloquium
Winter 2020
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A, Seminar “Rule Britannia”: The Postcolonial Eighteenth Century
- M.A. Seminar: Literature and the Environment: Postcolonial Ecocriticism
- Gegenwartsliteratur und Philologie (Grundlagebnseminar des GRK 2291)
- M.A. Research Colloquium
Summer 2020
- M.A. Seminar Irish Literature and Culture
- M.A. Seminar Brexit: Literary and Cultural Responses
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Colloquium
Winter 2019
- M.A. Seminar Robinsonades: Anglophone Narratives of (Colonial) Adventure and Survival from the Eighteenth Century to the Present
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Gothic: Tales of Darkness, Desire and Power from Graveyard Poetry to Kipling’s Indian Short stories
- M.A. Research Colloquium
Summer 2019
- M.A. Seminar and Exkursion: Austen to Inklings and Beyond: Exploring the Literary South-West
- M.A. Seminar Beckett and Beyond: British Drama from the 1950s to the Present
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Colloquium Researching British and Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
Winter 2018
- M.A. Seminar Narrating Flight, Refugeeism and Asylum
- M.A. Seminar "Rule Britannia": The Postcolonial Eighteenth Century
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theoris, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. Seminar Settler Colonial Narratives (Australia)
Summer 2018
- Sabbatical term
Winter 2017
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar Eighteenth-Century Feminisms: Astell to Wollstonecraft
- M.A. Seminar Literature and the Environment: Postcolonial Ecocriticism
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
Summer 2017
- M.A. Seminar and Excursion: London Through the Centuries
- M.A. Seminar Contemporary British Drama
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Colloquium Researching Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
Winter 2016
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar Rule Britannia: The Postcolonial Eighteenth Century
- M.A. Seminar Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World
- B.A. Seminar Settler Colonial Narratives (Australia)
- M.A. Research Colloquium
Summer 2016
- M.A. Seminar and Excursion: The Literary North-West
- M.A. Seminar Literature and Globalization
- M.A. Research Colloquium Postcolonial Feminisms
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Colloquium Researching British and Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
Winter 2015
- M.A. Seminar Representing Poverty and Precarity in the Anglophone Postcolonial World
- M.A. Seminar Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Gothic: Tales of Darkness, Desire, and Power from Graveyard Poetry to Kipling’s Indian Short Stories
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Research Colloquium Cosmopolitan/Global/Planetary Fictions: The Uses and Abuses of Comparative Approaches
- B.A. Seminar The Empire Bites Back: Postcolonial Gothic
Summer 2015
- M.A. Seminar and Excursion The Country House and Landscape Garden in English Literature and Culture
- M.A. Seminar Contemporary British Drama
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- B.A. VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Colloquium Researching British and Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
Winter 2014/15
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar Rule Britannia: The Postcolonial Eighteenth Century
- M.A. Seminar Literature and the Environment: Postcolonial Ecocriticism
- B.A. Seminar Fictions of Empire and Resistance: Africa
- OS/M.A. Research Colloquium
Summer 2014
- Sabbatical term
Winter 2013/14
- M.A. Seminar Contemporary South East Asian Cultures
- M.A. Seminar Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Gothic: Tales of Darkness, Desire, and Power from Graveyard Poetry to Kipling’s Indian Short Stories
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- VL B.A. Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Seminar The Empire Bites Back: Postcolonial Gothic
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Summer 2013
- M.A. Seminar and Excursion London through the Centuries
- M.A. Research Colloquium
- VL B.A. Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Übung Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
- B.A. Colloquium Researching British and Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Winter 2012/13
- Salon17 Lecture Race, Ethnicity, Indigeneity (Link)
- M.A. Seminar Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar Revising Settler Colonialism: Renegotiations of the Past in Contemporary Australian Fiction
- M.A. Seminar Literature and the Country House in 18th-Century England
- OS/M.A. Colloquium Global Narratives
- B.A. Seminar Robinsonades: Anglophone Narratives of (Colonial) Adventure and Survival from the 18th Century to the Present
- B.A. Workshop New Zealand (Medienblick article: Link, article about Nixon: Link, article about Jones: Link, article about Ihimaera: Link, article about Catton: Link)
Summer 2012
- VL B.A. Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- M.A. Seminar and Excursion Hard Times. Nineteenth-Century Industrial Britain
- OS/M.A. Colloquium "Against Diversity" and other Provocations
- M.A. Seminar Literature and Film from South Africa
- B.A. Seminar Reading the Caribbean
- B.A. Colloquium Researching British and Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Winter 2011/12
- VL M.A. Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: Theories, Histories, Selected Texts
- M.A. Seminar Colonial and Postcolonial Spaces
- B.A. Seminar Migrant and Transcultural Writing: Focus on Australia and Canada
- OS/M.A. Koll. Body and Space in Colonial and Postcolonial Drama
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Summer 2011
- VL B.A. Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- HS/M.A. Seminar Rule Britannia: The Postcolonial Eighteenth Century
- M.A./B.A. Seminar and Excursion: Georgian Britain
- B.A. Koll. Researching Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
- OS Staging Colonial Spaces
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Winter 2010/11
- VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- B.A. Seminar: Colonial and Postcolonial Short Fiction
- HS/M.A. Seminar Robinsonades: Anglophone Narratives of (Colonial) Adventure and Survival from the Eighteenth Century to the Present
- OS Postcolonialism, Globalisation, and Transnationalism: The Case of Pico Iyer
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Summer 2010
- VL British and Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures
- HS/M.A. Seminar Literature from South Africa
- HS Reading the Caribbean
- OS Postcolonial Film
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Winter 2009/10
- VL Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures: A Survey
- HS 'Rule Britannia': The Sea in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture
- OS: Race: Frantz Fanon to Whiteness Studies
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Summer 2009
- Sabbatical term
Winter 2008/09
- VL The Long Eighteenth Century, Part II: British Literature, 1700-1800
- HS Literature from South Africa
- OS The Empire Writes Back
- Basismodul Englische und amerikanische Literaturen und Kulturen (B1)
- Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium
Summer 2008
- HS Anglophone Indian Literature
- HS Contemporary British Drama
- OS Postcolonial Translation
- Doktorandenkolloquium
Winter 2007/08
- VL Beckett and Beyond: British Theatre and Drama since the 1950s
- HS The Empire Bites Back: Postcolonial Gothic and Mudrooroo\'s Vampire-Trilogy
- HS Eighteenth-Century Coffee-House Culture
- Grundkurs Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
- OS Fundamentalisms: Rushdie, Kureishi, Nagarkar
Summer 2007
- VL Gothic in Literature and Film: Tales of Darkness, Desire, and Power from Graveyard Poetry to Coppola\'s Dracula
- HS Contemporary Canadian Drama and Performance, Part Two
- PS East, West: Anglo-Indian Short Prose
- OS Orientalism Reconsidered
Winter 2006/07
- VL Postcolonial Literatures in English
- HS Contemporary Canadian Drama and Performance, Part One
- HS Deutsche Englandreisende im 18. Jahrhundert
- Grundkurs Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
- OS Postcolonial Theory: Tricontinentalism
Summer 2006
- VL British Literature of the Eighteenth Century
- HS Postcolonial Transformations: Stories of Africa
- HS Re-siting Australian Identities: Aspects of Multiculturalism in Australian Literature
- OS Postcolonialism and Globalisation
Winter 2005/06
- VL A History of Australian Literature
- PS Short Stories from Canada, Australia and New Zealand
- HS Eighteenth-Century Orientalism
- HS British Drama of the 1990s: In-Yer-Face Theatre
- OS Postcolonial Theory
- Beiträge zur Ringvorlesung "Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft": 1. Die neuen englischsprachigen Literaturen und Postcolonial Studies, 2. Literature intermedial
Summer 2005
- Sabbatical term
Winter 2004/05
- VL Beckett and Beyond: British Theatre and Drama since the 1950s
- Grundkurs Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
- HS South African Fiction after Apartheid
- HS Gender and Ecology in the Works of Margaret Atwood
- Beiträge zur Ringvorlesung "Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft": 1. Die neuen englischsprachigen Literaturen und Postcolonial Studies, 2. Approaching Poetry
Summer 2004
- VL Postcolonial Literatures in English
- Grundkurs Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft
- HS Eighteenth-Century Women Poets
- HS The Booker Prize
- Beitrag zur Ringvorlesung "Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft": Die neuen englischsprachigen Literaturen und Postcolonial Studies
Conferences and Workshops
- 13th Annual Conference Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies "Mary Shelleys Frankenstein. Ein Text und seine Themen", Bonn, 5 October 2023 (with Sarah Hofmann and Kathrin Zander).
- Twelfth Annual Conference Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies "Sex and Sexualität(en) im 18. Jahrhundert", Bonn, 6 October 2022 (with Laura Hartmann, Sarah Hofmann and Kathrin zander).
- International Online Conference “Planetary Precarity and Future Habitability”, 18-19 February 2022 (with Janet Wilson and Om P. Dwivedi).
- Eleventh Annual Conference Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies "Zuhause im 18. Jahrhundert", Bonn, 7. Oktober 2021 (with Laura Hartmann, Sarah Hofmann, and Kathrin Zander).
- Tenth Annual Conference Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies “Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert in Film und Populärkultur”, Bonn, 2. Oktober 2019 (with Franziska Becker, Laura Hartmann, Sarah Hofmann, Kathrin Zander).
- Lectures Series „Globalisierung und Gegenwartsliteratur“, DFG-GRK 2291, Summer and Winter 2019 (with Christian Moser).
- Ninth Annual Conference Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies, "Lehren und Lernen: Erziehung, Bildung und Forschung im 18. Jahrhundert", Bonn, 27 September 2018 (with Franziska Becker, Laura Hartmann and Sarah Hofmann).
- Annual Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, Bonn, 23-26 September 2018 (with Marion Gymnich and Klaus Peter Schneider).
- Eighth Annual Conference Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies, "Horace Walpole: Schriftsteller, Künstler und Politiker", Bonn, 4 October 2017 (with Franziska Becker, Laura Hartmann and Sarah Hofmann).
- International Conference on "Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World".
- Annual Conference of the Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS) Link. Bonn, 25-27 May 2017 (with Marion Gymnich, Klaus P. Schneider and Uwe Küchler).
- Seventh Annual Conference: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies. "Urbane Alltagskultur und Feste im 18. Jahrhundert". Bonn, 5 October 2016 (with Franziska Becker, Laura Hartmann, Sarah Hofmann and Marthe Schmidt).
- Annual Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, Hamburg, 21-24 September 2016 (with Jana Gohrisch).
- Sixth Annual Conference: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies. “Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert zwischen Aufklärung und Aberglaube“, Bonn, 14 October 2015 (with Hanna Nohe, Marthe Schmidt, Joanna Stausberg and Manuela Zehnter).
- International Conference "The Intervention and its Consequences", Bonn, 9-10 October 2015.
- Conference on “Representing Poverty in the Anglophone Postcolonial World”, Bonn, 19-20 June 2015.
- Fifth Annual Conference: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies. “Unterwegssein im 18. Jahrhundert”, Bonn, 1 October 2014 (with Joanna Stausberg and Dr. Gunda Windmüller).
- Fourth Annual Conference: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies. “Zeit und Zeiterleben im 18. Jahrhundert”, Bonn, 9 October 2013 (with M. Brecher, V. Jain-Warden, A. Pilca, J. Rahn, J. Stausberg and M. Zehnter).
- Third Annual Conference: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies. "Kunst, Natur und Technik im 18. Jahrhundert", Bonn, 4 October 2012 (with Joana Stausberg, Martin Brecher and Verena Jain-Warden).
- Panel "Landscape: Gender and Spaces in the Long and Global Eighteenth Century", Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS), Oxford, 4-6 January 2012.
- Second Annual Conference: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies. "Umbruch und Kontinuität im 18. Jahrhundert", Bonn, 4 October 2011 (with Joana Stausberg, Martin Brecher, Verena Warden and Gunda Windmüller).
- BGECS Symposium "David Hume zum 300. Geburtstag", Bonn, 25. Mai 2011 (with Joana Stausberg and Gunda Windmüller).
- International Conference "Drink in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Consumers, Cross-Currents, Conviviality", Bonn, 5-7 November 2010 (with Susanne Schmid).
- First Annual Conference: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Bonn, 6 October 2010 (with Joana Stausberg and Gunda Windmüller).
- International Conference "Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert" (Europe and Turkey in the 18th Century), Annual Meeting of the German Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (DGEJ), Bonn, 9-11 October 2008.
- Conference "Europäischer Kulturtransfer im 18. Jahrhundert: Literaturen in Europa - europäische Literatur?" Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung e.V., Potsdam, 9-11 May 2002 (with Uwe Steiner und Brunhilde Wehinger)
- Workshop "Reading and Teaching Nigeria in the EFL Classroom", 7 February 2019 (with Daniel Schönbauer).
- Workshop "Current Issues in Teaching India", 13 November 2018 (with Daniel Schönbauer and Dr. Maryam Mirza).
- Workshop “Cosmopolitan/Global/Planetary Fictions: The Uses and Abuses of Comparative Approaches”, Hamburg, 21-24 September 2016 (with Jana Gohrisch).
- Workshop "Luxury Goods and Exotic Tastes in the Eighteenth Century", Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies" (ASECS), Montreal/Canada, 30 March - 2 April 2006
- Workshop "Violence and War in Anglophone Cultures", Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, Bamberg, 19-22 September 2005.
Anastasia Ljangosov
Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn
© Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn