Universität Bonn

Department of English, American and Celtic Studies

Department of English, American and Celtic Studies

The Department of English, American and Celtic Studies consists of seven sections: Bonn Applied English Linguistics, Celtic Studies, English Literatures and Cultures, Linguistics of English and Translation Studies, Medieval Studies, North American Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. In addition, we also offer classes in language and writing skills.

We study the English language and the Celtic languages as well as British, Celtic, North American and other Anglophone literatures and cultures in all their contemporary and historical varieties. Our students develop skills for analyzing a broad variety of cultural practices and artifacts – from literary texts to pop music, film, and graphic novels – and for relating these to the historical contexts from which they emerge, an understanding of literary traditions and cultural histories and an awareness of the complexities of language as a system and of actual language use in social contexts. 

As a department, we are passionate about teaching. We offer a BA English Studies, a BA Celtic Studies and a BEd Teaching Degree. Our Master’s degree programs comprise the MA Applied Linguistics, the MA English Literatures and Cultures, the MA North American Studies and the MEd Teaching Degree. In addition, it is possible to pursue a PhD in literary and cultural studies or linguistics.

In our classes, we value diversity and foster an open exchange of ideas among all participants. Courses are research-based and frequently transdisciplinary in character. In our teaching, we employ innovative formats and methods and encourage creativity and critical thinking. We equip students with a profound understanding of a wide array of methods and theories for the study of language, literature, culture, old and new media, with a broad historical and contextual knowledge as well as with an array of soft skills such as public speaking, professional and creative writing and intercultural fluency. In addition, study trips, partnerships with universities around the globe and our extensive ERASMUS network of 22 universities in 11 different countries offer students plenty of opportunities to spend part of their studies abroad. In this way, students are well-prepared for careers in areas such as education, research, culture and media.

All departmental sections are committed to excellent research. Our research contributes to key debates in linguistics, didactics, literary and cultural studies. The members of our department regularly publish their work in renowned international journals and collections, frequently speak at conferences and public events in Germany and abroad and hold central roles in a variety of research networks, journals and book series. They have also repeatedly been successful in securing third-party funding for diverse innovative and timely research projects. Collaboration is key to our research practice—between different sections of the department, with the university’s other disciplines (e.g. in the Bonn Center for Dependency & Slavery Studies or the Transdisciplinary Research Areas) and with research partners from all over the world. In addition, we regularly host international fellows and guest speakers. Our lively research culture further comprises the organization of various academic events, including workshops, conferences, roundtables and lectures.


ELVIRA Mentoring Program - Apply Now!
The ELVIRA program is a peer mentoring program aimed specifically at female* students with a non-academic family background.
Exam Dates WS2024/2025
Please remember to register all written/oral exams on basis during the registration period (10.03.-12.03.2025)!! Otherwise, you cannot take part in the exam!


Welcome Days
Auditorium Center ...
10:30 AM
The Welcome Days are an opportunity for new students and doctoral students from abroad to gather information on the most important issues, such as registration ...
Harry Potter and Oxford - a Mirror to British Culture
FGS Flick Gocke ...
06:30 PM
Joanne K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ series defined an era of young adult literature, both in Britain and the world. With half a billion books sold, eleven ...


Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Keltologie
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (0) 228 73-7185
Telefax: +49 (0) 228 73-9714
E-Mail: office.anglistik@uni-bonn.de / coordination-english@uni-bonn.de (for Basis/courses/registration-related inquiries)

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