Young German Learner English (YGLE)
The project Young German Learner English: Complexity, Accuracy, Fluency, funded by the German Research Foundation (2023 - 2026; FU 1044/8-1) is a joint venture among the universities of Bamberg (Prof. Dr. Valentin Werner), Freiburg (Dr. Anna Rosen) and Bonn (Prof. Dr. Robert Fuchs).
YGLE investigates the acquisition of English as a second language by German students. The project will create and analyze a database of spoken and written English from students in grades 5–12. In addition, we collect an extensive set of metadata, assessing information on educational status, linguistic background, language use across different social contexts (including exposure to English outside of school), as well as general and verbal cognitive abilities.
Project members
Prof. Dr. Valentin Werner (PI), University of Bamberg
Dr. Anna Rosen (PI), University of Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Robert Fuchs (PI)
Dr. Lyudmila Kruhlenko (Researcher, University of Bamberg)
Lea Bracke, M.A. (Researcher, University of Bamberg)
Bethany Stoddard, M.A. (Researcher)
Julie Altemüller (University of Freiburg)
Julia Herr (University of Freiburg)
Sascha Sackniess (University of Freiburg)
Nastja Teichrib (University of Freiburg)
Valerie Graßow (University of Bamberg)
Analyses will focus on the triad of Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency (CAF), a popular focal point for mapping second language proficiency. By examining CAF components and their interactions with learner variables (e.g. motivation, educational status), this research will provide insights into second language acquisition within the German educational context.
After project completion, the database will be made available for the research community and will be one of only a few internationally available learner corpora of school students.
Read more about the project on our dedicated website.