Academic Communication in Multimedia Environment (ACiME)


Academic Communication in Multimedia Environment" is a Bulgarian-German research project funded by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation. The project’s aim was to identify features of today’s scientific communication in multimedia settings. How do scholars communicate and how is academic information sought with the help of the Internet? How does the Internet influence the notions of plagiarism and authorship? Does hypertext change significantly the way people exploit the information?

Further topics: Translated plagiarism, plagiarism detection, academic ethics

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© Humboldt Stiftung


Senior researchers
Professor Dr. Klaus P. Schneider1 (University of Bonn)
Professor Dr. Irena Vassileva2 (European Polytechnical University, Pernik, Bulgaria)

Junior researchers
Dr. Mariya Chankova (South-West University “N. Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Dr. Esther Breuer3 (University of Cologne) 

Project assistance
Michelle Kühnel B.A. (University of Bonn)

ACiME logo: round shell fossil in different shades of yellow, red, and blue layered around the center.

Data collection

In order to find answers to the above-mentioned questions, three different data collection methods are applied. First, questionnaires are distributed asking informants about their use of various communication tools, sources of information, use of hyperlinks, and attitudes towards plagiarism. Secondly, a website analysis of online profiles of active linguists is undertaken to compare whether there are differences in the provision of information concerning aspects such as online biographies, personal information, and bibliographies of publications as well as links to particular publications and other pages. These pages are analysed to distinguish how scholars present themselves online and thus how scholars communicate on the web as well as to discover variations among scholars around the globe. This way, we can find out whether globalisation has an impact on academic communication, as well as whether specific nations prefer specific styles of providing information online. Profiles of active linguists from the following countries are observed: USA, UK, Netherlands, Germany and Australia.

Finally, video material recorded with the screen-capture program Camtasia is collected, which allows us to gather hands-on information on what people in fact do when using the Internet for academic purposes. The test persons receive a task to complete on the computer while Camtasia records their every move. While the subjects carry out an Internet search, Camtasia records their mouse movements, their movements from one page to another, their use or negligence of hyperlinks and other Internet-related activities. After the Internet search, the test persons are asked to write an essay on their findings as well as their steps of search, thus providing us with a summary of what the subjects think they did while searching for appropriate academic information, which can be compared to the video of what they actually did during the process. It will also give us insight into how scholars digest information and the 'copy-and-paste' and quoting behaviour when writing a text.

Follow-Up Project:                                                                                                  Plagiarism in Academia vis-à-vis Ethical Aspects and Common Practices

2017–2018, funded by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation


Senior researchers
Professor Dr. Klaus P. Schneider1 (University of Bonn)
Professor Dr. Irena Vassileva (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Professor Dr. Diana Yankova (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Junior researchers
Assistant Professor Dr. Mariya Chankova (South-West University “N. Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)
Dr. Esther Breuer (University of Cologne)

Vassileva, I., Chankova, M., Breuer, E., & Schneider, K. P. (Eds.). (2020). The Digital Scholar: Academic Communication in Multimedia Environment [Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung 153]. Berlin: Frank & Timme.

International conference Academic Communication in Multimedia Environment, Sofia, Bulgaria,
12–14 September 2015.

Keynote lectures: Professor Diane Pecorari (Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden)

                                Professor Dr. Irena Vassileva (European Polytechnical University, Pernik, Bulgaria)

                                Professor Dr. Klaus P. Schneider (University of Bonn)

Schneider, Klaus P., Breuer, Esther & Kühnel, Michelle: Academic communication in multimedia environment. 9. Bonner Wissenschaftsnacht “Digitale Gesellschaft”, University of Bonn, 23 May 2014.

Breuer, Esther, Chankova, Mariya & Vassileva, Irena: How does the Internet transform students’ information search behaviour? 6th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication, Valetta, Malta,
30 May–1 June 2014.

Breuer, Esther & Kühnel, Michelle: Analysing information seeking behaviours with the help of screen capture software. Conference on Writing Research (COWR), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27th–29th August 2014.

Vassileva, Irena: Developing a methodology for identifying textual plagiarism techniques.
1st International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse, Valencia, Spain, 22–24 November 2017.

Yankova, Diana: Translated plagiarism: A case study. 1st International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse, Valencia, Spain, 22–24 November 2017.

Chankova, Mariya: Remix and mashup in a discussion on academic plagiarism in the Digital Age. Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg: Humboldtians and Scientific Progress in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) Countries, Sofia, Bulgaria, 16–18 November 2017.

Vassileva, Irena & Yankova, Diana: Applying interpersonal metadiscourse differences for cross-language plagiarism detection in academic texts, The LPTS 2018 conference, Paris, France,
18–20 January 2018.

Chankova, Mariya & Vassileva, Irena. Attitudes towards plagiarism in academia: A pilot study. 4th International Conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond 2018, Ephesus, Turkey, 9–11 May 2018.

Regular project workshops (3 days), Research Center for Empirical Pragmatics (RCEP), University of Bonn.

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