Corpus of English Textbooks in Germany

Language learning is shaped to a large extent by the input learners receive. In instructional contexts, a large amount of the input is provided by textbooks. This context is the main route of acquisition for a the vast majority of language learners in Europe and many other regions around the world, notwithstanding the increasing role of English input received from interactions where English is used as a Lingua Franca and in World Englishes contexts.

The role of the nature of input from English textbooks and its influence on the language learning trajectory has hardly been explored in previous research, notwithstanding a small and growing number of studies around this topic. In the present project, we are compiling a corpus of English textbooks used in German schools with a view to a detailed exploration and analysis of the language they present to school students. This data may also be used in the context of our project on Young German Learner English1.

Project members:

Prof. Dr. Robert Fuchs2 (PI)

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