Swantje Leiting

Student assistant

Preferred pronouns: she/her


RCAL coordinator

Swantje Leiting is currently enrolled in the Master’s programme Applied Linguistics at the University of Bonn. She has been part of the BAEL-Team as a student assistant since March 2019. Furthermore, she is involved in the organization of the BAEL conferences (BAELc), other outreach projects, and several ongoing research projects. For any questions regarding BAEL send an email to bael[at]uni-bonn.de. 

Swantje is the RCAL-coordinator and you can reach her at rcal[at]uni-bonn.de if you are interested in using the rooms, hardware, and software offered to English linguistic students of Bonn University. She can advise you on suitable methods for your research project and grant access to the available resources at the RCAL.

She is also one of the MA Applied Linguistics student mentors. If you have any questions about the study program, application process, or other study-related topics, contact mentor-appliedlinguistics[at]uni-bonn.de

From October 2021 - October 2022, she was involved in the project FamiLingo, as a research assistant with a focus on human resources, administration, and public relations.  

© Frommann

Email: bael@uni-bonn.de

Mentor Email: mentor-appliedlinguistics@uni-bonn.de

RCEP coordinator: rcal@uni-bonn.de

Tel.: +49 (0)228 73-82046

Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn

Presentations and Publications

“"Ist inklusiver, das mag ich" - Auswirkungen von Geschlecht und Einstellung zu geschlechtergerechter Sprache auf ihre Nutzung”. Talk presented at the conference 45te Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprache, University of Cologne, Germany, 07–10 March 2023 (with Hanna Bruns).

“‘Gendern nein danke‘ or ‘Gendern ist richtig und wichtig‘? The impact of attitudes on the use of gender-inclusive language in German”. Talk presented at the conference Attitudes towards gender-inclusive language. A multinational perspective, Queen Mary University of London, England, 08–09 September 2022 (with Hanna Bruns).

“With a great compliment comes a great response-ibility: Upgraders and downgraders in written compliment responses in English English and Malaysian English“. Poster presented at the 11th Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference (BAELc), University of Bonn, Germany, 24–25 June 2022.

Bruns, H. & Leiting, S. (to appear). Using gender-inclusive language in German? It’s a question of attitude… In: F. Pfalzgraf (Ed.), Attitudes towards gender-inclusive language: A multinational perspective. [Language and Social Life], De Gruyter Mouton.

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