Dr. Tolulope A. Akinseye
Senior Lecturer
Department of English, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Research Fellow
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
Dr Tolulope A. Akinseye, is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of English, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany.
My research interests include Discourse Studies, Functional and Applied linguistics. My works investigate language use in various contexts, and how it can be applied to real-world situations. By examining the interplay between language and society, I hope to contribute to our understanding of the role that language plays in shaping our world.

Curriculum Vitae
Since 2023 Research Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
Since 2022 Senior Lecturer, University of Ibadan
2019 - 2022 Lecturer I, University of Ibadan
2016 - 2019 Lecturer II, University of Ibadan
2012 - 2016 Assistant Lecturer, University of Ibadan
2017 Ph.D. English Language, University of Ibadan, Ibadan
2010 M.A. Language, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
2005 B.A. (Ed.) English, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Member, English Scholars’ Association of Nigeria (ESAN)
Pragmatics Association of Nigeria (PRAN)
Member, Linguistics Association of Ghana
Akinseye, T. A. (accepted July 2023). Domestic violence is a monster: The representation of metaphors and patterns of violence in Nigerian female victims’ narratives on Facebook. REAL: Research in English and Applied Linguistics.
Akinseye, T. A. (accepted July 2023). (IM)politeness as discourse strategy in Edo and Ondo States’ governorship debates. JOS Journal of English Language.
Akinseye, T.A. (accepted June 2021). What questions do teachers and students ask? A systemic analysis of interrogative mood in selected English language and mathematics classroom discourses in Ibadan. A Festschrift for Prof. Adeleke Fakoya. Lagos State University, Nigeria.
Akinseye, T. A. (2021). Affect and judgemental attitudes in selected university undergraduates’ narrative essays. In N. Osunbade, F. Unuabonah, A. Osisanwo, A. Adetunji, F. Oni (Eds.), Pragmatics, discourse and society, Volume 2: A Festschrift in honour of Prof. Akin Odebunmi (pp. 46–69). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Akinseye, T. A. (2019). Forms of writing: Essays, term paper and book review. In A. Osisanwo & K. A. Adebiy-Adelabu (Eds.), Effective communication and literary appreciation skills: A text for GES 201: Use of English II (pp. 237–254). Ibadan: Ibadan University Press.
Akinseye, T. A. (2019). Nigerianism, pidginism and anglicism in selected Facebook discourses. In O. R. Bello & H. J. Hunjo (Eds.), Sociolinguistics, (critical) discourse, pragmatics and Nigerian English. A Festschrift in honour of Prof. D. L. Adeyanju (pp. 154–170). Lagos: Digitech Creative Press House.
Akinseye, T. A. (2019). Exploring radical bilingualism switches in selected Osundare’s poetic idiostyle. In A. Ogunsiji & Y. Okunowo (Eds.), Language and style in Niyi Osundare’s poetry (pp. 369–378). Ogun State: TASUED Press.
Akinseye, T. A. (2019). The Metafunctions of the English Clause. In A. B. Sunday & F. O. Egbokhare (Eds.), Contemporary issues in Language studies (pp. 149–172). Ibadan: Scholarship Publishers (Nig.) Ltd.
Akinseye, T. A. (2019). Grammatical tense, aspect and modality of the English sentence. In A. Osisanwo & K. A. Adebiyi-Adelabu (Eds.), Effective English usage: A text for GES 101: Use of English I (pp. 237–254). Ibadan: Ibadan University Press.
Adebiyi, T. A. (2012). Paragraph development. In A. Odebunmi & M. A. Alo (Eds.), Use of English for theological purposes (pp. 295–327). Ibadan: Baptist Press.
Akinseye, T. A. (2023). Exploring interactive metadiscourse as a practical approach to enhancing academic writing skills of newly admitted undergraduate students in Nigeria. EuroAmerian Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages. E-JournALL, 10(2), 44–6
Akinseye, T. A. & Ukor, E. (2023). Pragmatic acts and socially-shared ideologies in selected Pro-EndSARS Tweets. Ife Journal of Literature and Linguistics, 9(1).
Akinseye, T. A. (2023). Persuasion and connection of words: Discursive strategies and interpersonal resources in president Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s inaugural speech of May 29, 2023. ATRAS, 4(2), 143–179.
Akinseye, T. A., Oni, E. & Opaleye, K. (2022). Taxis and logico-semantic relations in selected news articles on insecurity in Nigeria. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(8), 1–19.
Akinseye, T. A. & Awoke N. (2021). Modality as stance and engagement markers in online readers’ comments on poverty in northern Nigeria. LIWURAN: Journal of the Humanities,22(2).
Akinseye, T. A. (2021). Discourse structure in a Nigerian tutor-learner online classroom chats. Journal of the English Scholars’ Association of Nigeria, 23(2), 81–101.
Akinseye, T. A. (2021). Metadiscursive markers in second language theses abstract. British Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 14–28.
Akinseye, T. A.(2020). Epistemic versus non-epistemic modality : An analysis of English modals in selected English as a second language (ESL) classroom discourses. Oye: Journal of Language, Literature and Popular Culture, 2(1), 67–86.
Adedamola, M. & Akinseye, T. A. (2020). Generic structure potential (GSP) and discourse features in selected banking discourses in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research 8(4), 59–93.
Akinseye, T. A. & Adebiyi, K. I. (2019). Discourse strategies and ideologies in ethno-political hate speech in selected social media platforms. Journal of Communication and Language Arts, 10(1), 35–64.
Akinseye, T. A. (2019). Thematic selection and progression patterns in L2 theses abstracts from humanities and science. Logos & Littera: Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text, 7, 49–63.
Akinseye, T. A. (2018). Achieving cohesion through grammatical conjunctions in English as a second language (ESL) English language and Mathematics Classroom Discourses. Jadavpur Journal of language and linguistics, 2, 63–78.
Akinseye, T. A. (2018). Declarative mood in teacher-students classroom interactions: A case of selected secondary school English language classroom discourses (ELCDs) and mathematics classroom discourses (MCDs) in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. Lagos Papers in English Studies, 6, 149–174.
Akinseye, T.A. (2015). I belong to everybody and i belong to nobody: An interpersonal investigation of president Mohammadu Buhari’s inaugural speech of 29 May, 2015. Ibadan Journal of English Studies, 11, 61–100.
Conference Presentations
AfPCon2024: The 3rd African Pragmatics conference, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. February, 2024
Paper presented: ‘Discourse Of Solidarity In Selected Online Narratives Of Nigerian Female Domestic Violence Victims’
Digital English World-Wide: Focus on Africa and Beyond, English Department, University of Technology in the European Capital of Culture, July 14–15, 2023, Chemnitz, Germany.
Paper presented: ‘Domestic Violence is a Monster: The representation of Metaphors and Patterns of Violence in Nigerian Female Victims’ Narratives on Facebook.’
English Scholars’ Association of Nigerian: English Language and Literary Studies in the Digital age. First virtual and 36th Annual conference, Nigeria, December 8–10 , 2022.
Paper presented: ‘Discourse exploration in selected Nigerian Teacher-student Online classroom chats’.
Linguistics Association of Ghana: 13th linguistics Association of Ghana Conference, Dubbed LAG2020/2021 Virtual Conference, July 28–30, 2021, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Paper presented: ‘Metadiscursive Markers in Second Language Research Abstract’.
Nigerian Academy of Letters Biennial Conference on Defining Nigerianess: Interface, Convergence and Pathways, June 12–14, 2019, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Paper Presented: ‘Nigerianism in selected English as a second language ESL Classroom discourse’
International conference on Education, Development and Innovation (INCEDI), August 27–28, 2018, Methodist University College, Accra, Ghana.
Paper Presented: ‘Identity Construction and Radical Bilingual Switches in selected ESL Education Discourses in Ibadan, Nigeria’.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation , Germany in collaboration with the University of Ibadan Conference on ‘Of Texts, Spaces, Signs and Symbols: Questing Corporal for Translational Research in the Humanities ’ February 19–22, 2018
Paper Presented: ‘Examination of the exchange structure in educational corpus: an ESL (English as second language) classroom situation’
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tolulope-Akinseye
- https://pgschool.academia.edu/TolulopeAkinseye
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NQSuckwAAAAJ&hl=en