Xiaofang Duan, M.A.
I am currently working on my PhD project. with a focus on the application of cognitive linguistic approaches in language teaching. My research interests cover a range of relevant linguistic filed, including applied linguistics, language acquisition, language teaching, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis.
My doctoral research primarily aims to apply cognitive linguistic insights within a task-supported instructional setting in a Chinese EFL classroom context. Though, assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches in a classroom context remains a challenging endeavor. Cognitive linguistics (CL) has a multitude of conceptual tools at its disposal that can make grammatical categories relatively transparent to foreign language learners. Nevertheless, in the Chinese EFL context, the application of Cognitive linguistics in language teaching is still at its pioneering phase, thus leaving a great potential for future research. In light of this, empirical research is done to present a clear illustration of how respective linguistic approaches can be translated into effective teaching practices in the instructional context. Therefore, while testing the applicability of cognitive linguistics to language teaching, this project demonstrates how cognitive linguistic theories can contribute to language teaching practice. In concrete terms, one specific grammatical category is addressed, namely, phrasal verbs (PV), on the ground that it poses a huge challenge to second and foreign language learners due to their internal flexibility and constructional variability. Therefore, by providing empirical evidence in the Chinese EFL context, it offers additional empirical evidence to the international research community in this field, by exhibiting how linguistic theory can contribute to pedagogical practice in a classroom context.

Email: duanxiaofangjane@163.com
Curriculum Vitae
2011 - 2020 Taiyuan Institute of Technology in China
- 2014 - 2020 Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Language
- 2011 - 2014 Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Language
2009-2010 Master of Educational Studies (Cum Laude), KULeuven
2003—2007 Bachelor of English language (Distinction), North University of China
Duan, X. (2021). Review of Recontextualizing Humor: Rethinking the Analysis and Teaching of Humor. Language in Society, 50(5).
Duan, X., Guo, Z., & Wang, R. (2018). Research on Semantic Rhyme Acquisition based on Lexical Priming Theory. Journal of Xi’AN Technology University (Social Science Edition), 28(3), 98–105.
Duan, X., & Guo, Z. (2017). A Comparative Study of Three Translated Versions of a Chinese poem “Yu Beauty” based on Theme/Rheme Theory. Journal of Xihua University, 36(3), 106–112.
Duan, X., & Guo, Z. (2016). Analysis of Discourse Construing and Function Differences in C-E Poetry Translation based on Theme/Rheme Theory. Journal of Chengdu University, 168(6),109–115.
Duan, X., & Guo, Z. (2016). Review of Temporality in Interaction. Journal of Liaoning University, 18(5), 53–55.
Duan, X., & Guo, Z. (2016). Application of Quantitative Statistical Analysis in Diachronic Language Variation Analysis. Journal of Ningxia University (Social Science Edition), 38(6),71–79.
Duan, X., & Guo, Z. (2016). Application of Multiple Regression Statistics in the Analysis of Synonyms in Corpus Linguistics. Foreign Language and Literature, 33(3), 145–153.
Duan, X. (2015). Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Basic Readings. Journal of Liaoning Technical University, 17(2), 214–217.
Duan, X. (2013). An Exploration on the Chinese Way of Crossing the Road form the Perspective of Hall’s High-context and Low-context culture theory. Journal of Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, 7(4), 44–48.
Duan, X. (2013). Probe into the Creation of Autonomous Learning Atmosphere for College English. Journal of Anhui University of Technology, 30(1), 87–89.
Duan, X. (2012). A deep insight into cultural identity reconstruction in Chinese American literature based on the study of ‘the joy luck club’. Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology, 30(4),18–23.
Duan, X., Depaepe, F. & Verschaffel, L. (2011). Chinese upper elementary school mathematics teachers' attitudes towards the place and value of problematic word problems in mathematics education. Frontiers of Education in China, 6(3), 449–469.
Duan, X. (2018). College English. Unit 6, 7, 8. Harbin, China: Northern Arts Publishing Press.
Duan, X. (2017). English Language Teaching Pattern and Context. Beijing: Beijing Yanshan Publishing Press.
October 2023: Review for Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development 2024.
March 2023: Review for the TESOL 2023 Graduate Student Research Forum, TESOL INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION.
February 2022: Review for TESOL 2022 Graduate Student Research Forum, TESOL INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION.
March 2022: Review for Bi-SLI conference 2022
Duan, X. (2023, October). Application of Task-based and Cognitive Linguistic Approaches in Teaching Vocabulary. Challenges Ten.
Duan, X. (2023, September). The Scaffolding Role of Cognitive Linguistic Approaches in Language Acquisition. TSTT 2023 International Conference on Rethinking How to Train Teachers of Tomorrow.
Duan, X. (2022, August). The Representation and discourse construction of news in English media.Academic Seminar of Chinese students and scholars in Germany-France-Ireland.
Duan, X. (2015, April). The grammatical markedness in English writing among Chinese EFL learner. Halliday-Hasan Fund Symposium and the 14th National Conference on Functional Linguistics.
Duan, X. (2014, October).The acquisition of discourse markers among Chinese EFL learners. The 4th Chinese National Conference on Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition.
Research Projects
June 2022–current:Research on English Writing for Chinese EFL learners in a blended teaching context. Provincial Social Science Fund Project, co- Investigator.
June 2019–current: Research on the new Paradigm of Collocation in the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language Teaching. National Social Science Fund Western Project, co-Investigator.
June 2018–June 2021: Research on the development of Chinese children's multimodal negative behavior based on video corpus. National Social Science Fund Youth Project, co-Investigator.
May 2014–May 2016:An empirical research to study the use of English discourse markers among second language learners within the framework of cognitive linguistics. Granted by Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Principle Investigator.