
Fuchs, R. (Ed). (2023). Speech rhythm in learner and second language varieties of English1. Singapore: Springer.

Suárez-Gómez, C., Loureiro Porto, L. & Fuchs, R. (Eds.). (2020). World Englishes and grammatical variation [Special issue]2. World Englishes, 39(3).

Fuchs, R. & Werner, V. (Eds.). (2020). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition and learner corpus research3. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

      Reviewed by Tono, Y. (2020). Research in Corpus Linguistics4, 8(2), 176–184

Fuchs, R. & Werner, V. (Eds.). (2018). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition and learner corpus research [Special issue]5. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 4(2).

Nelson, G., Fuchs, R. & Gut, U. (Eds.). (2017). Symposium on World Englishes and the International Corpus of English (ICE) Project6 [Special issue]. World Englishes, 36(3).

Fuchs, R. (2016). Speech rhythm in varieties of English. Evidence from Educated Indian English and British English7. Singapore: Springer.

Reviewed by Deterding, D. (2018). English Language & Linguistics8, 22(3), 537–539; Lu, S. (2018). English Today9, 34(1), 58–60; Setter, J. (2017). International Journal of English Studies10, 17(1), 99–103; Nessa Torgersen, E. (2017). Nordic Journal of English Studies11, 16(3), 151–155

Gut, U., Fuchs, R. & Wunder, E. (Eds.). (2015). Universal or diverse paths to English phonology? Bridging the gap between research on phonological acquisition of English as a second, third or foreign language12. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Meer, P., Fuchs, R., Deuber, D., Lacoste, V. & and Canan Hänsel, E. (2022). Prosodic variation in the Carribean: Comparing pitch patterns in English language data from Dominica, Grenada, and Trinidad13. English World-Wide, 42(1), 48–72.

Meer, P. & Fuchs, R. (2022). The Trini Sing-Song: Sociophonetic variation in Trinidadian English prosody and differences to other varieties14. Language and Speech, 65(4), 923–957.

Meer, P., Fuchs, R., Gerfer, A., Gut, U. & Li, Z. (2021). Rhotics in Standard Scottish English15. English World-Wide, 42(2), 121–144.

Fuchs, R. & and Macalinga Borlongan, A. (2021). Recent diachronic change in the perfect-past alternation in two Asian Englishes: Endonormativity vs. americanisation16. Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies, 32(1), 65–89.

Rautionaho, P. & Fuchs, R. (2021). Recent change in stative progressives: A collostructional investigation of British English in 1994 and 201417. English Language & Linguistics, 25(1), 35–60.

Fuchs, R. (2020). The progressive in 19th and 20th century settler and indigenous Indian English18. World Englishes, 39(3), 394–410.

Stell, G. & Fuchs, R. (2019). Intergroup dynamics and variation in postcolonial ESL varieties: A preliminary analysis of Namibian English vowel systems19. English World-Wide, 40(2), 144–169.

Parviainen, H. & Fuchs, R. (2019). ‘I don’t get time only’: an apparent-time investigation of clause-final focus particles in Asian Englishes20. Asian Englishes, 21(3), 285–304.

Edwards, A. & Fuchs, R. (2018). A cluster-analysis of attitudes to English in the Netherlands and Germany21. World Englishes, 37(4), 653–667.

Fuchs, R & Werner, V. (2018). The use of stative progressives by school-age learners of English and the importance of the variable context – myth vs. (corpus) reality22. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 4(2), 195–224.

Fuchs, R. (2017). The Americanisation of Philippine English. Recent diachronic change in spelling and lexis23. Philippine ESL Journal, 19(1), 60–83.

Fuchs, R. (2017). Do women use more intensifiers than men? Recent change in the sociolinguistics of intensifiers in British English24. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 22(3), 345–374.

Gut, U. & Fuchs, R. (2017). Exploring speaker fluency with phonologically annotated ICE corpora25. World Englishes, 36(3), 387–403.

Werner, V. & Fuchs, R. (2017). The present perfect in Nigerian English26. English Language and Linguistics, 21(1), 129–153.

Davies, M. & Fuchs, R. (2015). Expanding horizons in the study of World Englishes with the 1.9 billion word Global Web-Based English Corpus (GloWbE)27. English World-Wide, 36(1), 1–28.

Fuchs, R., Gut, U. & Soneye, T. (2013). ‘“We just don’t even know”: The usage of the pragmatic focus particles even and still in Nigerian English.28English World-Wide, 34(2), 123–145.

Gut, U. & Fuchs, R. (2013). Progressive aspect in Nigerian English29. Journal of English Linguistics, 41(3), 243–267.

Fuchs, R. (2012). Focus marking and semantic transfer in Indian English: the case of 'also'30. English World-Wide, 33(1), 27–53.

Fuchs, R. (2024/to appear). Influencing people around the globe - The linguistic expression of persuasion across varieties of English worldwide31. In D. Dayter & S. Rüdiger (Eds.), Manipulation, influence, and deception: The changing landscape of persuasive language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lange, C. & Fuchs, R. (2024/to appear). English in India. In R. Hickey & K. Burridge (Eds.), New Cambridge history of the English language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fuchs, R. (2023). Rhythm Metrics and the Perception of Rhythmicity in Varieties of English as a Second Language32. In Fuchs, Robert (Ed.), Speech rhythm in learner and second language varieties of English (pp. 187–210). Singapore: Springer.

Fuchs, R. (2023). Colonial lag or feature retention in postcolonial varieties of English. The negative scalar conjunction “and that too” in South Asian Englishes and beyond33. In P. Rautionaho, H. Parviainen, M. Kaunisto & A. Nurmi (Eds.), Social and regional variation in World Englishes: Local and global perspectives (pp. 123—148). London: Routledge.

Fuchs, R. (2023). Analysing the speech rhythm of New Englishes: A guide to researchers and a case study on Pakistani, Philippine, Nigerian and British English34. In G. Wilson & M. Westphal (Eds.), New Englishes, new methods (pp. 132—155). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Fuchs, R. (2023). Spelling and punctuation35. In A. Macalinga Borlongan (Ed.), Philippine English: Development, structure, and sociology of English in the Philippines (pp. 113—122). London: Routledge. 

Fuchs, R. (2021). Sociolinguistic variation in intensifier usage in Indian and British English: Gender and language in the Inner and Outer Circle36. In T. Bernaisch (Ed.), Gender in World Englishes (pp. 47—68). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Werner, V., Fuchs, R. & Götz, S. (2021). L1 influence vs. universal learning mechanisms: An SLA-driven corpus study on temporal expression37. In B. Le Bruyn & M. Paquot (Eds.), Learner corpus research meets second language acquisition (pp. 39—66). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fuchs, R. (2021). Hong Kong English: Structural features and future prospects38. In P. Siemund & J. Leimgruber (Eds.), Multilingual global cities: Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai (pp. 285—302). London: Routledge.

Fuchs, R. & Werner, V. (2020). The use of stative progressives by school-age learners of English and the importance of the variable context – myth vs. (corpus) reality22. In R. Fuchs & V. Werner (Eds.), Tense and aspect in second language acquisition and learner corpus research (pp. 53—82). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Edwards, A. & Fuchs, R. (2020). Varieties of English in the Netherlands and Germany39. In R. Hickey (Ed.), English in the German-speaking world (pp. 267—293). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Götz, S., Werner, V. & Fuchs, R. 2019. Temporal adverbials in the acquisition of past-time reference: A cross-sectional study of L1 German and Cantonese learners of English40. In A. Abel, A. Glaznieks, V. Lyding & L. Nicholas (Eds.), Widening the scope of learner corpus research. Selected papers from the fourth Learner Corpus Research Conference (pp. 43—70). Louvain-la-Neuve: Presse universitaires de Louvain.

Fuchs, R., van Rooy, B. & Gut, U. (2019). Corpus-based research on English in Africa: A practical introduction41. In A. U. Esimaje, U. Gut & B. E. Antia (Eds.), Corpus linguistics and African Englishes (pp. 37—69). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Fuchs, R. (2018). The phonology of English42. In A. Hewings, P. Seargeant & S. Pihlaja (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of English language studies (pp. 121—135). Abingdon: Routledge.

Schützler, O., Gut, U. & Fuchs, R. (2017). New perspectives on Scottish Standard English: Introducing the Scottish component of the International Corpus of English43. In J. Beal & S. Hancil (Eds.), Perspectives on Northern Englishes (pp. 273—302). Berlin: de Gruyter.

Fuchs, R. (2016). The frequency of the present perfect in varieties of English around the World44. In V. Werner, E. Seoane & C. Suárez-Gómez (Eds.), Re-Assessing the Present Perfect (pp. 223—258). Berlin: de Gruyter.

Fuchs, R., Götz, S. & Werner, V. (2016). The present perfect in learner Englishes: A corpus-based case study on L1 German intermediate and advanced speech and writing45. In V. Werner, E. Seoane & C. Suárez-Gómez (Eds.), Re-Assessing the Present Perfect (pp. 197—337). Berlin: de Gruyter.

Fuchs, R. & Gut, U. (2016). Register variation in intensifier usage across Asian Englishes46. In H. Pichler (Ed.), Discourse-pragmatic variation and change: Insights from English (pp. 185—210). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fuchs, R. & Gut, U. (2015). An apparent time study of the progressive in Nigerian English47. In P. Collins (Ed.), Grammatical change in English world-wide (pp.373—387). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Fuchs, R. & Wunder, E. (2015). A sonority-based account of speech rhythm in Chinese learners of English48. In U. Gut, R. Fuchs and E. Wunder (Eds.), Universal or diverse paths to English phonology? Bridging the gap between research on phonological acquisition of English as a second, third or foreign language (pp. 165—183). Berlin: de Gruyter.

Fuchs, R. (2015). You're not from around here, are you? A dialect discrimination experiment with speakers of of British and Indian English49. In E. Delais-Roussarie, M. Avanzi & S. Herment (Eds.), Prosody and language in contact (pp. 123—148). Berlin: Springer.

Fuchs, R. (2014). You got the beat: Rhythm and timing50. In R. Monroy-Casas and I. de Jesus Arboleda Guirao (Eds.), Readings in English phonetics and phonology (pp.165—188). Valencia: IULMA-UV.

Fuchs, R. (2023). A Synthesis of Research on Speech Rhythm in Native, Learner and Second Language Varieties of English – Introduction to the Volume51. In R. Fuchs (Ed.), Speech Rhythm in Learner and Second Language Varieties of English (pp. 1—14). Singapore: Springer.

Sayers, D., Sousa-Silva, R., Höhn, S., ..., R. Fuchs, et al. (2021). The Dawn of the Human-Machine Era: A forecast of new and emerging language technologies52. Report for EU COST Action CA19102 ‘Language in The Human-Machine Era’.

Fuchs, R. & Werner, V. (2020). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition and learner corpus research3. In R. Fuchs & V. Werner (Eds.), Tense and aspect in second language acquisition and learner corpus research (pp. 1—21). Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Suárez‐Gómez, C., Loureiro‐Porto, L. & Fuchs, R. (2020). World Englishes and grammatical variation [Special issue]2. World Englishes, 39(3), 370—6.

Fuchs, R. & Werner, V. (2018). Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and learner corpus research: Introduction to the special issue5. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 4(2), 143—163.

Davies, M. & Fuchs, R. (2015). Reply to the responses to 'Expanding Horizons in the Study of World Englishes with the 1.9 Billion Word Global Web-Based English Corpus (GloWbE)'53. English World-Wide, 36(1), 45—47.

Gut, U., Fuchs, R. & Wunder, E. (2015). Introduction. In U. Gut, R. Fuchs & E. Wunder (Eds.), Universal or Diverse Paths to English Phonology? Bridging the Gap between Research on Phonological Acquisition of English as a Second, Third or Foreign Language (pp. 1—8). Berlin: de Gruyter.

Chan, H. L. & Fuchs, R. (2023). Revisiting the vowels of Hong Kong English - the post-handover generation54. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023), Prague.

Payne, E., Maxwell, O., Fuchs, R. & Wang, Y. (2023). Lexical stress perception in Indian Englishes55. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023), Prague.

Maxwell, O. & Fuchs, R. (2019). Cross-dialectal speech processing: perception of lexical stress by Indian English listeners56. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, 2710—2714.

Meer, P. and Fuchs, R. (2019). Pitch level, range and dynamism in Trinidadian English: A comparative study with other varieties of English57. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, 329—333.

Fuchs, R. (2019). Almost [w]anishing: The elusive /v/-/w/ contrast in Educated Indian English58. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2019), Melbourne, 1382—1386.

Jamakovic, N. & Fuchs, R. (2019). The monophthongs of formal Nigerian English: An acoustic analysis59. Proceedings of Interspeech 2019, Graz, 1711—1715.

Dyrenko, N. & Fuchs, R. (2018). The diphthongs of formal Nigerian English: A preliminary acoustic analysis60. Proceedings of Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, 2563—2567.

Fuchs, R. (2018). Pitch range, dynamism and level in postcolonial varieties of English: A comparison of Educated Indian English and British English61. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, 893—897.

Puga, K., Fuchs, R., Hudson, T., Setter, J. & Mok, P. (2018). The perception-production link in intonation: Evidence from German learners of English62. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018, 685—689.

Puga, K., Fuchs, R., Setter, J. & Mok, P. (2017). The perception of English intonation patterns by German L2 speakers of English63. Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, 3241—3245.

Fuchs, R. (2016). The acoustic correlates of stress and accent in English content and function words64. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2016, 435—439.

Fuchs, R. & Maxwell, O. (2016). The effects of mp3 compression on the measurement of fundamental frequency65. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2016, 523—527.

Fuchs, R. (2015). Word-initial glottal stop insertion, hiatus resolution and linking in British English66. Proceedings of Interspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany, 1675—1679.

Fuchs, R. & Maxwell, O. (2015). The placement and acoustic realisation of primary and secondary stress in Indian English67. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow.

Fuchs, R. (2014). Integrating variability in loudness and duration in a multidimensional model of speech rhythm: Evidence from Indian English and British English68. In  N. Campbell, D. Gibbon & D. Hirst (Eds.), Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Dublin, 290—294.

Fuchs, R. (2014). Towards a perceptual model of speech rhythm: Integrating the influence of f0 on perceived duration69. In H. Li, H. Meng, M. Bin, E. S. Chng & L. Xie (Eds.), Proceedings of Interspeech 2014, Singapore, 1949—1953.

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