Dr. phil. Anke Lensch
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Research Interests:
Language variation and change, cognitive linguistics, morpho-syntax, varieties of English, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, corpus linguistics
Office Hours:
Please use eCampus to book a slot or message me to arrange a meeting.
Doctoral Thesis:
“Onlookers, passers-by, sweeper-uppers, opt-outers and dumber-downerers. A corpus-based study of English -er nominalizations.”
English Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Prof. Dr. Britta Mondorf, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Deutschland
Prof. Dr. Graeme Trousdale, University of Edinburgh, UK
Curriculum Vitae
Introduction to (English) Linguistics, Language Structures & Functions
Undergraduate seminars:
Morphology, Morphological Creativity on the Web, Phraseology, An Introduction to the History of the English Language, Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, Late Modern English, Varieties of English
Graduate Seminars:
Sociolinguistic variables in the EFL classroom, Sociolinguistics for future teachers of English, (Post-) Colonial Perspectives on Varieties of English; World Englishes; (Post-)colonial Perspectives on English(es) in the German Foreign Language Classroom; British English and American English in the German EFL classroom, New Perspectives on World Englishes in the the EFL classroom, Dictionaries
M.A.; B.A.; B.Ed.
Language practice:
Essay Writing, Academic Writing; Phonetics, Language Course
Since October 2023 lecturer, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
07/2022 - 09/2023 maternal leave
10/2020-September 2023 research assistant, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, University of Koblenz
04/2021-09/2022 teaching appointment, Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
04/2020-03/2021 teaching appointment, English Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU) Mainz
04/2014-03/2020 research assistant, English Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU) Mainz
08/2018-12/2018 research stay at the University of Edinburgh, UK
09/2016-10/2018 coordinator of the Teaching English in Sri Lanka project (JGU)
04/2014-03/2020 member of the scientific committee of the PHILIS project (JGU)
10/2013-03/2014 teaching appointment, Institut für England und Amerikastudien, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
08/2013; 02/2014 student assistant, tutor for writing term papers in linguistics for undergraduate students writing their first term papers PHILIS (JGU)
06/2011-09/2013 student assistant, English Linguistics (JGU)
2013 first state exam for teaching at the secondary level (German, English) Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
09/2009-06/2010 foreign language assistant at Neale-Wade Community College, March Cambridgeshire, UK
2007-2013 reading English and German at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Publications and Presentations
(under contract) Monograph: Atypical English Suffixation? Diachronic Construction Morphology and English Derivation. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
(2024) review for Research in Corpus Linguistics. José A. Sánchez Fajardo (2022) “Pejorative Suffixes and Combining Forms in English.” Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
(2024) “English and German derivation revisited. A Diachronic Construction Morphology approach to the growing complexity of bases.” Constructions and Frames 15:2. 234-256.
(2022) Review for Linguist List: Akira Okrent (2021) Highly Irregular. Why Tough, Through, and Dough Don't Rhyme—And Other Oddities of the English Language. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
(2022) “On loners, easy-peelers, diggers-out, leaf clearer-uppers and stayer-onner-for-nowers. Extravagance of -er nominalizations in English.” In: Eitelmann, Matthias & Haumann, Dagmar (eds.) Extravagant Morphology. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing.
(2020) “Onlookers, passers-by, sweeper-uppers, opt-outers and dumber-downerers. A corpus-based study of English -er nominalizations.“ Promotionsschrift vorgelegt an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Mainz, Universitätsbibliothek. 247 p.
(2019) “Fremde Klasse, fremdes Fach.“ In: Lernende Schule. Für die Praxis pädagogischer Schulentwicklung 85: 25-28.
(2018) “Fixer-uppers. Reduplication in the Derivation of Phrasal Verbs.” In: Finkbeiner, Rita & Ulrike Freywald (Hrsg.) Exact Repetition in Grammar and Discourse. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs). Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. 158-181.
(2024) "Our global village. Politeness conventions in the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora community." Presentation as part of an ERASMUS+ stay at Leiden University, 8th of October, Leiden, Netherlands. Please find the abstract here2.
(2024) "Terms of endearment as in-group markers. Zooming in on variation in the English-speaking Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora community." Paper presented as part of the Research Day at Bonn University, 15th of March, Bonn, Germany.
(2022) with Jelke Bloem, University of Amsterdam. “On incoming passers-by and bystanding lookerson. A quantitative approach to variable particle placement in English particle verbs.” Paper presented at the 9th Grammar and Corpora Konferenz, 30.06.-02.07. Ghent, Belgium.
(2021) “Looking-intoing showy-offy stayer-onner-for-nowers. A corpus-based study into English morpho-syntax.” (online) Paper presented at the International Conference for Corpus-based Approaches to English (ICAME) 41, 18th-21st of August 2021. Dortmund, Germany.
(2021) “Isn’t this way (too) early? How way acquired intensifying function.” Paper presented at the (online) International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL) 21, 7th-11th of June 2021. Leiden, Netherlands.
(2019) “On loners, easy-peelers, diggers-out, leaf clearer-uppers and stayer-onner-for-nowers. Extravagance of -er nominalizations in English.” Paper presented at the Societas Linguistica Europaea conference. 21.-24. August 2019. Leipzig, Germany.
(2018) “A Construction Grammar approach to onlookers, passersby and cheerer-uppers." Paper presented at the Construction Grammar(s). Methods, Concepts and Applications conference. 16.-20. Juli 2018. Paris, Université Sourbonne Nouvelle Paris, France.
(2017) “Sweeper-uppers are no bystanders. Structural complexity in nominalizations of phrasal verbs.” Paper presented at the 7th BICLCE, 28.-30. September 2017, Vigo, Spain.
(2016) “The emergence of runner-ups and fixer-uppers. The constructionalization of a word-formation pattern.” Papper presented at the 19th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL), 22.-26. August 2016. Essen, Germany.
(2016) “Agentivity in Nominalizations of Phrasal Verbs. On Passers-by and Winder-uppers.” Paper presented at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), 24.-26. February 2016. Konstanz, Germany.
(2015) “A quick fixer-upper of English Word-Formation. Reduplication in Derivation.” 37th annual meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), 3-6 März 2015. Leipzig, Germany.
Invited lectures:
(2024) "Sind germanische Basen im Laufe der Jahrtausende komplexer geworden? Eine empirische Annäherung an Verdichtung." invited lecture as part of a seminar on Diachronic Construction Morphology taught by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Muriel Norde, 27.06.2024, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany.
(2017) “Women and men's use of causal and concessive clauses. A case of change in progress?” invited lecture at the Colloquium on Language and Gender - Sprache und Geschlecht. 19.06.2017, Universität Bremen, Germany.
Contributions to workshops:
(2024) "On aunties and uncles. Kinship terms in a diasporic community." Paper presented as part of the workshop Language and Urban Space: Exploring the Use and Function of English in Highly Diverse and Dynamic Multilingual Settings (organized by Ninja Schulz, Richard Lemoine Rodriguez, Carolin Biewer, Lisa Lehnen, Regina Grund) at the 10th BICLCE conference at Alicante University, 26th-28th of September, Alicante, Spain.
(2023) "Pragmatic Conventions and Intergenerational Variation: Zooming in on Politeness in English-speaking Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora Communities." Workshop: Demokratisierung und Machtstrukturen (organized by Svenja Kranich (Bonn), 12th of September 2023.
(2022) “English and German derivation revisited. A Diachronic Construction Morphology approach to the growing complexity of bases.” (online) Workshop Diachronic Construction Morphology (organized by Muriel Norde (FU Berlin) and Graeme Trousdale (University of Edinburgh), 4th of November 2022.
(2022) “About mistresses, hussies, hostesses and spinsters. Semantic change as a reflection of prevailing societal preconceptions.” Presentation at the interdisciplinary Workshop – Umbrüche STAND – BERUF(UNG) – GESCHLECHT – KÖRPERLICHKEIT TRANSFORMATIONSPROZESSE IN EUROPA (CA. 1450-1830), Koblenz 25.02.2022.
(2020) “Isn’t this way (too) early? How way acquired intensifying function.” LETS Research Colloquium of Svenja Kranich, 19.11.2020. Universität Bonn, Germany.
(2018) “On bringers-out of amiability and humour in others. -er nominalizations of multi-word Verbs in English and their Arguments.” Work in Progress Report at the Cognitive Linguistics Research Group supervised by Nikolas Gisborne and Graeme Trousdale. 30.11.2018. University of Edinburgh, UK.
(2017) “Verrät unsere Sprache unser Geschlecht?” interdisciplinary Lunch Lecture Series. Denkanstöße - Food for Thought. 27.06.2017, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany.
(2017) “Teaching English in Sri Lanka.“ Poster presented at the Workshop “Interkulturelle Kompetenz an der JGU“. 18. Dezember 2017. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Deutschland. (download via: http://www.glk.uni-mainz.de/weitere-veranstaltungen.php)
(2023) with Svenja Kranich (Universität Bonn) English Address Terms in a Globalized World. Socio-cultural Impact on Recent Language Variation and Change. 18th International Pragmatics Conference. Brüssel, Belgien. 9.-14. Juli, 2023.
- https://www.instagram.com/our_globalvillage/
- https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/events/2024/10/changing-pragmatic-conventions-in-the-english-speaking-sri-lankan-tamil-diaspora-community