We are happy to announce that the workshop "Language as a social practice: Constructing (a)symmetries in legal discourse" will be held on 7-8 September 2023, at the Department of English, American Celtic Studies, Rabinstr. 8, 53113 Bonn. The workshop will bring together scholars with a background in linguistics and law. It seeks to showcase a diverse perspective on language, law and society, and explore the way forward of the interdisciplinary study of legal discourse at Bonn and beyond.
We are thrilled to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to you as a new member of our Applied Linguistics degree program here at the University of Bonn. Your journey to academic excellence and personal growth begins here, and we are excited to have you on board! To kickstart your journey and help you connect with fellow students and faculty, we have organized a special welcome event on Monday, October 9th at 12 pm. This event is designed for you to meet your peers, ask questions, and learn about our campus and discover Bonn with us in a little city tour. A relaxed lunch at 2 pm is the perfect opportunity to meet not only your fellow Master's degree students but also students from higher years who can share their experiences and insights with you. If you have any questions until then, contact us mentors at mentor-appliedlinguistics[at]
We organize an annual Forum Beruf event, where alumni of the M.A. Applied Linguistics program share their experiences with entering the job market, finding internships, and more. More information on the event and attending alumni will follow soon.
We would like to invite you to the guest lecture held by Dr. Inke Du Bois (University of Bremen) titled "Age and gender related linguistic differences of digital humor" on Wednesday February 7th from 6 - 8pm (c.t.), in seminar room 8, Rabinstraße 8.
Each term, we organise a Research Day for the PhD students and post-doctoral students at BAEL. The purpose of this meeting is for everyone to present their ongoing work, regardless of the stage they are at in their research projects. The setting is less formal than at a conference and offers an opportunity for in-depth discussions of the individual projects.
We would like to invite you to the Thirteenth annual Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference under the theme "Studying World Englishes — Teaching World Englishes". Our two keynote lectures this year are given by Prof. Dr. Michael Westphal (World Englishes in English Language Teaching: Analyzing Barriers of Innovation) and Dr. Guyanne Wilson (On gatekeeping: Language ideologies in real and imagined classroom spaces). All are welcome!
Get a chance to hear from students about their experiences, learn more about the requirements of the study program, and ask any questions you have. Get engaged in our Q&A sessions!
Learn more about how to sign up for courses and about university life in Bonn. Get to know your lecturers and fellow students!
The Alumni Network invites you to Career Forum Applied Linguistics, students ask questions and alumni answer!