
workshop announcement with graphics of documents, gavel and scales text: Workshop  Language as a social practice: constructing (a)symmetries in legal discourse 07.09. - 08.09.2023
© Alina Schuster

Language as a Social Practice: Constructing (A)symmetries in Legal Discourse

PD Dr. Elisabeth Reber and the BAEL Team organised an international and interdisciplinary workshop titled "Language as a social practice: Constructing (a)symmetries in legal discourse"

workshop announcement with graphics of a person giving a presentation text: workshop "corpus-based methods with the sketchengine" with Dr. Carmen Serena Santonocito May 2nd, 14.00 - 16:00
© Alina Schuster

Corpus-based Methods with the SketchEngine

Dr. Carmen Serena Santonocito held a workshop for MA and PhD students on “Corpus-based methods with the SketchEngine”

announcement statistics workshop with graphics of researchers presenting and working on tables and graphs text:  statistics workshop update thursday, January 19th at 2 p.m. room 1.003 don't forget to register
© Alina Schuster

Introductory Statistics

Prof. Dr Martin Schweinberger (The University of Queensland and the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø) gave a short introductory statistics workshop on Thursday, January 19, 2023.

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