Ninth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference (BAELc9)
The BAELc9 took place digitally via Zoom on November 27th, 2020, 10am-4pm. The focus of this year's conference was on digital pragmatics & CMC.
Professor Jonathan Culpeper (Lancaster University) was our keynote speaker in the ninth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference, with his talk titled: "(Im)politeness Reciprocity and Some Reflections on Social Media".
The talks of the speakers, except the keynote, Jonathan Culpeper, who presented his entire talk live on the day of the conference, and any additional material was made available on the platform Vimeo prior to the live conference.
If you would like to have a closer look at the topics of each individual talk, please find more information in the book of abstracts below.
Many thanks to all participants and especially to all presenters for all the contributions to the BAELc9. Everyone was impressed by the high quality of the papers and discussions, therefore we would like to thank everyone very much for the papers and the summaries, for the keynote lecture, and for all discussions.
Thank you all for making the BAELc9 such a wonderful success!
We hope to see you again at the BAELc10 next year!
Dates and Registration
Friday, 27th November 2020
10:00 am - 04:00 pm
Location: Online