Bonn Applied English Linguistics

At BAEL, we focus on language use across social and technical contexts. We work with naturally occurring text and talk as well as with experimental data. Our research spans fields such as

Applications of machine learning and AI to linguistic analysis — from large language models to advanced statistical modelling
Variation in English around the world — from the megacities of India to classroom English in Germany
Corpus-based discourse analysis — trying to understand society through language use on traditional and social media

Furthermore, we believe that students must be involved in this work and empowered to do research right from the start. After all, what is research but learning — that is, finding out about life?

Our four-term MA Applied Linguistics program gives students the chance to hone their empirical research skills as they work together with professors and researchers in a closely-knit learning environment.

News and Events

Career Forum5
Rabinstr. 8
06:15 PM - 08:00 PM
The Alumni Network invites you to Career Forum Applied Linguistics, students ask questions and alumni answer!
M.A. Applied English Linguistics — First Term Welcome Day6
Rabinstraße 8
03:00 PM
Learn more about how to sign up for courses and about university life in Bonn. Get to know your lecturers and fellow students!
M.A. Applied English Linguistics — First Term Information Event7
03:00 PM
Get a chance to hear from students about their experiences, learn more about the requirements of the study program, and ask any questions you have. Get engaged ...
Thirteenth Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference8
Bonner Universitätsforum ...
10:00 AM
We would like to invite you to the Thirteenth annual Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference under the theme "Studying World Englishes — Teaching World ...
Beth Stoddard presented our project Young German Learner English at the 24th North German Linguistic Colloquium
Prof. Fuchs plenary talk in Nigeria10
on "Empirical research on phonological nuances:issues and methods – with a focus on speech rhythm"
Introducing: Visiting Researcher Khadra Yasmina Meridja11
I am honoured to join the Department of Bonn English Applied Linguistics at Bonn Universityas a visiting researcher, where I aim to develop my research skills and enrich my academiccareer.


For general enquiries contact: 

For enquiries about the MA Applied Linguistics: 

Tel.: +49 (0)228 73-82046

You can find us in our office:

Rabinstr. 8
53111 Bonn

Office hours Prof. Fuchs

To sign up click here12.

Please include the topic of discussion when you register (possible until 24 hours before the appointment).

RCAL Office hours

During the winter term 2024/25, the 
RCAL's office hours are on Wednesdays from 11:00-12:00, please sign up via email beforehand

If you would like to book an appointment at a different time or have any questions, please email rcal[at]

A Zoom call can also be agreed upon via mail.

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